Chapter Four: Surprise

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AN: Sorry for the long wait! I've had some serious writers block and some lack of time and inspiration because school is almost over and I'm kinda busy with finals and stuff. Anyway, here's chapter four! Also, I'm going to try to make the chapters longer! Enjoy!!! <3

I searched everywhere: the house, the bathroom, all the closets, under tables, you name it. He wasn't anywhere. I remembered there was a place I hadn't checked: outside. I slipped on my flip-flops and started waking outside. I searched our yard and backyard. He wasn't there. Probably because our yard and backyard are SUPER small and not much hiding can take place there. So, I walked over to the playground. I carefully surveyed the area. Nothing. I started walking home, but something told me to look some more.

I started checking super carefully.


Wait, what?


I suddenly felt some pain on my back and head. Due to the surprise of that, I fell down.

I then heard, "Yes! Gotcha!!"

I realized it was Josh. I laughed.

"You got me. Heh."

"Yeah, guess I did."

He put his paw out, to which I (gladly) took it, and he yanked me back up to my feet.

"Thanks." I said.

"Sure, no problem."

I guess we got bored of that, so we went back to the house and put away the toys. That was probably the most fun I've had this summer, considering the fact that all I've done during summer was eating food and playing on the computer.

I guess I was hungry because my stomach started growling. Really loud according to Josh.

"You hungry?" he said.

"Apparently. Why, are you?"

"Yeah, I guess."

I took my phone out and started looking for nearby restaurants.

"Hmm.." I said.

I got some results; Applebee's, McDonald's, or IHOP.

"So we have either Applebee's, McDonald's, or IHOP." I said.

"Hmm..haven't been to IHOP in a while."

"Me neither."

"So are we going there?" he asked.


We got up, put our flip-flops on, and headed out the door. It wasn't too far; we could walk. That and we had to, because neither of us could drive.

As we were walking, I guess we both felt kinda awkward.

" was your summer?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"It was pretty good, considering I had to spend half of it loading boxes and dragging them into a truck. We went to Florida and stuff like that." he replied.

"Wow. I haven't been to Florida in quite some time."

Before I knew it, we were talking about pretty much everything you would talk about in your average conversation. We got so caught up we hadn't realized that while we were talking, we actually passed the IHOP.

"Wait." I said.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Isn't that the IHOP?" I asked, pointing behind us to the right.

We both started laughing. I couldn't breath for like 10 seconds. And by the looks of Josh, I don't think he could either.

We started walking in the direction of the restaurant.

We walked in the doors, to be greeted by a friendly waitress.

"Hi! Table for two?" she asked.

"Yeah." we both responded.

"Follow me."

We followed her to a booth.

"Is this okay?" she asked.

"Yes. Thank you." I said.

We both sat down and looked at our menus.

"So you know what you're getting?" I asked Josh.

"Yeah, I think so," he responded, "just some pancakes and water."


The waitress came back.

"Hi, I'm Samantha, and I'll be your waitress!" she said.

"Do we know what we want to drink?" she asked.

"Actually, I think we're ready to order." I said.

"Oh, okay." she said as she took out a pen and a paper-pad.

Josh spoke first. "I'll just have some buttermilk pancakes and a glass of water."

"Okay." said the waitress as she scribbled down his order.

"And I'll have...a Coke and some buttermilk pancakes with a side of hash browns." I said.

She started scribbling down on the paper again.

"Okay, I'll be back with your food in a bit!"

"Thank you." we both said.

To pass time, me and Josh just talked about regular stuff; things that happened when we were kids, where we were from, etc.

Then our food came.

"Here we are." she said.

She handed us our plates of food and our drinks.

"Thank you." we both said, once again in sync.

We started eating, then drinking, followed by more eating.

Just as we finished, she brought us the check.

"Was everything okay?" she asked.

"Perfect." I said.

"Awesome." Josh said.

I got out my wallet and took out some money. Josh did the same.

"Oh, you can pay up at the front if you'd like."

"Okay. Thank you." I said.

We walked to the front and payed for the food.

We walked back to my house to find nothing to do.

"Well I guess I should be getting home." said Josh.

"Aww..." I whined.

"Sorry." he said.

We stood on the porch for a minute. For some reason, he was looking cuter than ever.

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, and leaned in and kissed him passionately. He didn't fight it. I then realized what was happening, and jerked back superfast. I just stood there, mouth dangling open.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" I stuttered.

Before he could talk, I bolted for the door, ran inside, and locked it. I could hear Josh knocking on the door.

I basically threw myself upstairs and into my room, where I cried and cried for the rest of the day.

Our friendship.


Because of me.

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