chapter 10 - E3 Road Trip -

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hey guys so before i start this chapter i'm just gonna put it out there that i'm not gonna actually follow the videos because one, i don't want to spoil videos for anybody and two I've got a few different ideas for this so it wouldn't really match the videos.

so now that's out the way i's like to thank you guys for 500+ reads and more than 50 votes it means a lot that people enjoy what i write so once again thank you.

LETS GET ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- day of the road trip -

Jordan's pov

i heard my alarm beep, i looked over to see it was 6:00 am. I then looked over to my right side to see James sleeping peacefully, I hate to wake him up but we need to get on the Road before 7.

i decided to wake him after starring at him for 10 minuets. I planted kisses all over his face in hope of him waking up. He eyes opened and squinted from the brightness of the room, he then looked over at me and leaned in and kissed me. The kiss didn't last long because James had confusion written all over his face.

babe, we have to go to the office, we need to get on the road before 7.

he didn't reply instead he whined and snuggled into my chest. I wanted to stay like this forever but of course i couldn't.

James, come on we need to get up now, come on ill make get you a pop tart, i questioned hoping it will buy him into getting up.

yes please, he replied trying to sit up.

i helped him up and got out of bed myself, i threw on a t-shirt and walked downstairs. i looked out the window,

That Dern sure is some nice weather today, i said to myself.

i continued to walk towards the kitchen, i opened the drawer and pulled out a pop tart, i then walked over to the microwave and put the pop tart in to heat up. i waited and the microwave made a ding sound, i pulled the pop tart out and placed it on the island and waited for the sleepy boy of mine to walk down the stairs.

As he walked down the stairs he whipped his eyes with his hand in a fist, he really is a child in an handsome man's body.

He sat down opposite me on the island and began eating his pop tart. 10 minuets later he spoke,

Thank you Jordan, he said as he got up and wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me into a kiss.

i didn't reply i just kissed him back.

i'm not gonna be able to do this with him for a few days. I really should tell the guys whats up with me lately but its just one of those topics that i can't stand talking about.

Jordan, are you going to be okay with out me and this trip, he asked concern filling his face.

Really James i don't know, but i will stick through it so don't worry about me.

i will worry about you Jordan, you mean a lot to me and you being upset just makes me upset, just remember if somethings wrong text me or say your going out for stuff and i can play along and come with you, don't worry we will see each other and everything, he said with a smile and squeezing my hand to show it will be alright.

James i know we will see each other but we cant hold each, other kiss each other or sleep together, and you know how i can't sleep without you.

i know i know but its just for 4 nights, you can do it can't you, please just try for me, he questioned now pulling me into his chest and sawing us back and forth.

ill try for you, as i snuggled in more to him.

Jordan lets get going to we wont be late, James said pushing me off of him to get up.

after we got up, i walked over to the counter and grabbed my keys, phone and wallet and slipped on my shoes. James than opened the door and we walked out and locked the door. we got in the car and I backed out and drove towards the office, the journey was silent and only consisted of our light breathing. We held hands the whole way.

James was amazing for understanding my situation and knowing i need him close to me, it will pain me for not being able to kiss him hug him or even sleep with him for 4 days but i know that ill be able to do it for as long as i want after the journey, I will make it through this for James and i will act like nothing is wrong for the guys and the fans because there the most important things people in my life.

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