Chapter 1

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.


Hell, not the kind of place you'd want to take up residency given the living conditions of brimstone, blood curling screams, hellish creatures that want to rip you apart like a chew pin cushion, lack of sunlight or any light, bloody and messy, oh and its an eat or be eaten place. The strong survive and the weak perish in the most twisted way.

If you rank below the hierarchy, then you are screwed given those who are at the bottom of the pit have to submit to their betters and eat whatever scraps there are left.

It's demons are always out for themselves and no one else.

Take her for example.

Slaying another demon with a Kurd-made knife is a beautiful human woman with massive breast, voluptuous body with a thin waist, wide hips, curves, and round ass that she was the ideal woman with the body of a pornstar kicks another demon trying to...

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Slaying another demon with a Kurd-made knife is a beautiful human woman with massive breast, voluptuous body with a thin waist, wide hips, curves, and round ass that she was the ideal woman with the body of a pornstar kicks another demon trying to come at her with a Kurd knife of their own.

{Cora's Body Type}

She ducks down, pressing her right hand on the ground and jumps back up straight, making he chest wobble and shoved her knife into her fellow demon's heart

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She ducks down, pressing her right hand on the ground and jumps back up straight, making he chest wobble and shoved her knife into her fellow demon's heart.

The slain demon let out an orange light, flickering till it stopped as a sign of being dead.

That was two down. The demoness seemed like all her enemies were killed when she fails to notice a third demon sneak behind to, ready to kill her when he howls in agony as a hand in a piercing motion burst through where his heart is located and is slain. Whipping around, the woman sees the dead meatsuit slump to the ground, revealing the demon's slayer.

The person is another demon, only a powerful one up in the hierarchy. A Greater Demon. To the human eye he seemed like a man but his true visage said otherwise. His true visage is an eldritch demonic dragon with silver grayish skeletal armor covering his body.

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