Chapter 6

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

This is episode of Caged Heat, but altered.


Cora had planned many things so far to get under the Winchester Sisters' good side and put up with this mopey bull crap of human feelings, bad breakups with ex-wives, sisterly love. Ugh! Disgusting nonsense these humans go through. The Winchesters had problems for sure, and it makes Cora gag on the fact she has to comfort poor, pathetic Deanna getting all teary and sad for a chick ain't worth turning over for.

What she did not plan for is getting jumped by her own people. Normally, Cora would do away with these demons; but she had a facade, so unfortunately she had to get her ass handed to her for last thing she sees is getting punched in the chest and thrown like a sack of potatoes by a demon and it is lights out for her.


Samantha, Deanna, and Cora wake up only to find they cannot move for they were tied up to the chairs they sat on. Standing before them is a demoness the three knew all too well, but Cora had to act stupid on not recognizing the daughter of Azazel: Meg.

Deanna glares irritably at the demoness that has been a bane on their behinds since that mess with Yellow-Eyes and possessing the body of Meg Masters. "Evil Bitch."

Meg expressed her hubris. "Keep sweet talking me, this could go a whole new direction."

Deanna forces a smile. "Meg. I've been dying to see you again."

"Well, here I am, big girl. So, what should we do now?" Meg inquires rhetorically.

"How about I rip you to shreds?" Deanna threaten, despite their current circumstance.

Meg is hardly bothered and is rather amused by the blonde bombshell's pathetic attempt of killing her. "Kinky, I like. A little Q&A first, if you don't mind. Now, maybe you can spill in some details on where ol' Crowley or one of his orphans. Tell you where he's at?"

Samantha and Deanna are confused, while Cora stiffened. Samantha arches a brow at Meg, answering her. "What the hell are you talking about? Why would we know about Crowley and why do you care?"

Meg for a sec falters her face of the foreplay she's going at and expressed the hidden fury within. "Cause rumors have been spreading in Hell that the wannabe salesman has been gathering forces to take down Lucifer,"

Now that raises all the red flags and both sisters look at Meg with faces of a deer caught in the headlight.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Deanna exclaimed, her eyes bulging out. "Lucifer? What does Lucifer have to do with this? We beat her ass and she's in the Cage."

Meg smiles, giving a fake wince. "I beat you would tap that but hate to burst your bubble." She leans in to mock at Deanna's face. "The Queen Bitch was never locked up in jail and has been free ever since, taking over business."

Samantha and Deanna are filled with all kinds of anger, distress, and shock. All they had done to stop Lucifer had all been for naught for the Fallen Archangel is free!

Cora keeps silence. So it would seem the rumors she's been hearing about demons turning against Lucifer were true. She says nothing for now, not wishing to draw attention to herself since it hasn't been directed to her...yet.

"Anyway, long story short, because of you two bitches defeated Lucifer, having two humans make the Queen of Hell look weak has made demons doubt if she's even worthy to reign over Hell; something that old sneak and traitor Crowley has taken the chance of gathering followers for his cause."

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