Chapter 4

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

So since Samuel is dead given Crowley ain't in charge of Hell and no one is going afer Purgatory, Alphas are left alone, hence episode 2 of season 6: Two and a Half Men is skipped given that focused on the Shapeshifter baby and Alpha Shapeshifter.

So this is gonna be 6x09: Clap Your Hands If You Believe. Episode 6x08: All Dogs Go to Heaven will happen, only the order of events have changed, so episode 9 events is the first to happen.


Deanna's POV

Sammy and I were walking together in the woods, hunting down a monster. The classic: werewolf. I am armed with silver bullets with my trusty gun and Sammy has herself an old fashion silver knife. It was dark, the air cool, and a little too quiet for my tasting.

We come to a stop and suddenly hear the sound of a twig snapping.

I move an index finger towards my lips to indicate my sister to keep quiet. I gesture her to stay back while I go check it out. I head forward to investigate while Sammy stays back. All seems to be quiet when a roar comes from behind me. I whip around to find my sister had been pounced by wolf boy! I see Sammy cry out as she is attacked by the monster. "Fuck!" I curse and ready my gun. "Hang on!" I open fire at the werewolf, silver bullets lodging into the bastard's body. The damn bitch let out a pained whimper and falls on top of my sister.

Good riddance! Ganked the little shit for attacking my sis. "Sammy! You ok?" I called out, hoping my sister wasn't too wounded. I push the dead monster body off of my sister and when I did I wish I hadn't. My eyes widen on seeing Sammy had dead fatal wounds located on her stomach. Sammy coughed out a glop of blood as the rest pours out, bleeding like a pig in a butcher's shop.

"D-Deanna." Sammy weakly cried out to me.

My face stretched in horror. I got down on my knees and quickly follow procedure by putting pressure on the wound. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" I exclaim, my eyes welling with tears. "No Sammy!" I lifted her head gently, staring into her weak fluttering eyes. "No please god no, not like this."

Samantha wheezes, coughing up more blood. "D-D-Deanna."

"Sammy." I whispers, tears rolling down my eyes.

"I-I n-need *cough*," Samantha kept coughing.

"What is it?" I asked softly, wiping the blood from my sister's mouth.

Samantha coughs violently. She smiles sadly. "I always loved you..." She coughs. "M-More than a-a s-sister."

My eyes widen. Hearing her confession makes my heart ache. "Sammy."

"Can you...p-please...kiss me? Before I-I...go?"

Wishing to fulfill my sister's last request, I nodded. My eyes teary than ever as I smile wide. "Yes, Sammy. Anything for you." I lean in to press my lips against her. Our lips make contact. Despite the taste of warm metal that blood tasted and this grim moment, I can't help at feel how wonderful this kiss felt. The same must have gone for my sister for she kisses back.

The two of us get into the kiss, ignoring at what was happening.

Suddenly my eyes snap wide open and I look around to see where I am at. No longer in the forest where I was holding my sister, I instead find I was resting on Samantha's laps. Looking up, I see my sister looking down and smiles.

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