22. ALYA

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It seemed everything in the pack went more heretic. We had another case to solve with Amanda Lizzy,who clearly seemed no harm but really wanted help. Kane didn't like the idea.

Kane had shifted back in his human form and wore some shorts on. The FDA guards were terrified when Kane growled over to them as him and I walked back at the pack office with pack men watching there every move.

We found ourselves in the office where Kane stood near his table and I was right beside him when Amanda gaze looked horrified.

"Talk." Kane grunts and I feel his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"I ain't got all day." I looked over to Amanda who stood shaking.

"I'd first of all like to apologize once again for the being here." He looked down on the floor trying to respect the Alpha.

"Go on." Kane says harshly.

"We had a experimental accident back at the headquarters. It involved Dane dealing with some toxin that corrupted his mind."  She spoke with pain and I felt Kanes body tense up as his wolf surfaced.

"Dane. He exposed our existence with the little bitch named Deacon. I presume you know him?"  Kane intimidating them with fear as his claws grew out slowly. I wanted to stop him from taking another step but he linked me immediately.

"Stay back dear. These animals put us in this mess." I froze when he said that. I felt hopeless by not doing as a Luna.

Suddenly the sound of guns being aimed at Kane wanted to cause a chaos.

"If you move another muscle without hearing me out I will tell my men to shoot." Amanda warned Kane and he froze dead with his dead glare over to her,he growled once more and stopped.

I quickly rushed over to him again,pushing him away from her as I finally got the chance to speak.

"Let's not cause any rusty decisions. We are one and the same, violence won't solve a damn a thing with the toxin wolves on the lose." I said proudly and they both say nothing.

"Stand down" Amanda instructured the her guards.

After the awkward war,a laptop was placed on Kanes desk with some videos being uploaded,Kane and I took a look at them.

It was Dane who had experimented some chemical in his lab,he kept on moving around in his lab back and forth taking things that were necessary for the chemical.

Suddenly he was startled when the door sounded it needed to be opened. The video glitched a little then proceeds when Dane got a syringe and inserted himself in his arm as the security slammed the door open.

"Something's off." I say to Kane when he looked closely.

Another figure came into the picture,be was wearing dark clothings.

"Put your hands up the both of you!" One of the security guards told the two men.

A sudden chuckle had escaped there lips.

"How about I test this shifting thing and kill you...." Dane said.

Everything had gone so fast when Dane had shifted into a wolf and slaughtered the guards,I turned away with the horrors he did.

Then the unknown figure face Danes wolf head one.

"I did what you asked! Now let me and my son go. You've done your scientific discovery." He demanded and did u hear it right? Son?

"Deacons father." Kane spoke and he must be right.

Then everything had vanished as the camera was filled with blood. So Deacons father was killed. This is terrible.

" Then Dane lost control and took out many people. He was infected with the toxin that Deacon created, attacked us and run off without a trace."

"So that's why you needed our help." I camly spoke when her forehead injury was bleeding.

"Exactly. I'm deepy sorry for everything that has happened. Your existance was never to be mentioned that why I had decided not the world to know a single thing that werewolves are real for the mistake I did." She really meant it that I ft her sorrow.

Kane walked towards Amanda, looked at her in the eye and camly breathed.

"I thought humans were bad. Fucked up dogs with no respect too wolves. We are getting close and finding out the truth." I didn't like where it was heading too.

"But there is still danger in the woods,toxin wolves loose and my pack in danger. I'm honored you didn't tell the world." I was so happy that my mate didn't eat her head off.

"I respect your kind Alpha,that's why suggested you kill Dane immediately." She stood with respect before she collapsed in Kanes arms.

I rushed over and helped Kane place her on the couch.

"Is she going to be alright?" I felt bad for her but Kane immediately healed her wounds with his hand. I was so relieved he helped her after the chaos unleashed.

"She'll be fine. Right now we need to focus on what we are going to do." He was being a good partner with me.

"Right. We can use the guards and protect the people so that they can easily evacuate the pack safely." I suggest. Jane nodded and told held a meeting with the pack men outside the pack mansion.

"Listen up Carefully! Dane is on the loose he might be the one who forced Deacons father to create the toxin out of full force. So the FDA leader and guards have nothing to with this! I have declared that we work hand in hand with them with maybe the upcoming war that might break with the evacuation of the people." He spoke with voice of Rex and his and I was beside him.

"I have alot of duties as an Alpha but help is needed, I have decided that your Luna will help me in this fight together with all of you!" When he said I was his Luna I felt goosebumps when my mate held my hand firmly.

"Work together! I believe in this treaty!" He then howled so loud that it was some for of wide communication message. I was amazed and afraid of what we might face next.

"Yes Alpha!" They all responded at once. Spreading out and vanishing into the woods as the FDA guards called for back up.

"Is this what you wanted sweetheart?" He smiled over to me when he stopped his shorts off,I found myself gazing at his beastly body.

"Yes. Things are working out that now you're not handling it alone." I said over to him as we lightly kissed each other.

"I'm glad. We must head over to Deacons lab immediately." He instructured and I nod as he shifted into his large black wolf Rex,I climb on him and he was racing like a cheetah.

When we got to what seemed to be a huge science lab something made Kane tick viciously when we got closer.

A toxin wolf jumped out of nowhere aiming to bite me off,my heart trembling as Kane quickly threw off his back as I landed on the cold ground as the toxin wolf attacked Kane instead.

"Kane!" I screamed he was getting hurt as he constantly avoided being infected from the vicious bite.

What should I do? He will die if he tries to protect himself and me at the same.

"Run Alya!"

I was paralyzed when I heared a deep growl from behind me. I turned and stared at another wolf's eyes dead yellow, I panicked when I would die.

Everything flashed before my eyes. When I looked up the large rocks as another black wolf appeared into the light. It immediately sprinted over to me and attacked the toxin wolf.



Sorry for the late update.
Thank you for reading

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