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Here's the next chapter of the story. Also, I forgot to add Stefano and Giovanna, twin siblings that were the niece and nephew of Renaldo Mortem, and were experimented on by him to be super soldiers. They have an army of clones of themselves that share their super soldier ability.

Thank you and enjoy.

"Normal Talking"


{Na'vi Talking}

-Computer Communication or A.I.-


Dark and her 'Clan' set up a small base camp that was far from the Omatikaya's village. They made sure to set up some equipment to spy on the RDA, and possibly hack more information about their base of operation. So far, she and Spider-Man uncover some deep secrets in the files that they, mostly Dark, could use against them. Turns out, the RDA were trying to move the Omatikaya Clan out from their Hometree since their village happens to be resting on the richest Unobtanium deposit within klicks in any direction. This information, however, angered Dark. Humans are always greedy and forcing innocent people out of their homes.

"These selfish bastards." Dark mutters, glaring at the holo-screen in her hand. "They're trying to get these people to leave their ancient home so they can destroy it and the Unobtanium beneath it."

"That's terrible!" Spider-Man said in shock. "Why would they do that?"

"Spider-Man, if you must know these types of business people only care for the resources and sell them off to high profit. Even if it means rappelling the innocent lives in their wake."

"Why can't they realize what they're doing is wrong?" Spider-Man said in a sad tone.

"No matter how many times they screw up, they will never learn, ever." Dark said in a blank tone.

Just then, one of Giovanna's clones dubbed London came towards Dark and Spider-Man and saluted, "Ma'am, Jake and Chrissy wish to speak with you."

Dark nodded her head, "Alright, thanks, London."

London left to help set up some tents. As she did, Jake and Chrissy came, wearing the native attire. They came down to check on the group, and to their surprise, they set up better than the RDA. From what they learned during their stay, the RDA had trouble trying to establish peace with the Na'vi.

"You look good." Dark compliment Chrissy.

Jake, thinking that she was talking about him, made a small grin as he checked himself. "Gee, thanks."

"I was talking about Chrissy." Dark corrected, smirking when Jake frowned at her, before turning to Chrissy. "So, how's the Omatikaya treating you?"

Chrissy smiles sheepishly, "Pretty well, actually. They treated me kindly."

Jake looks at her in disbelief and slight jealousy, "Lucky, when I got here, they were giving me the cold shoulder."

"I wonder why." Dark mutters out before recalling the hidden conversation of Eytukan and Mo'at. They mentioned that Chrissy looks exactly like Sylwanin. Dark has no idea who Sylwanin is. She's going to ask Tech to dig in RDA's encrypted files.

"Anyways, how are the girls? Are they okay?" Chrissy asked Dark, mentioning Val, Maisie, and Celestia.

"They're fine, they're just as surprised as you are when they found out the goddess of this planet blessed them." Dark explains them with a wave of her hand.

Jake crosses his arms, whistling slowly at the sight of the soldiers of the 'Vita Clan', setting up tents and equipment. He has to admit, they have better chances with the Na'vi than the RDA.

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