Loyalty and Truth

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Thank you all for your kindness and support, and patience. I hope you guys liked the story. I am almost about to finish it soon.


The Jurassic World Kids were at Hallelujah Mountains with their guardians. They were there to watch both Chrissy and Jake get their banshees. They steered clear and didn't want to distract them. Wolfy, Kiki, Kingeye, and Flyer were with them. Keeping them safe from other banshees. Arnaaluk was in another area, keeping her distance away from the trial, so she wouldn't scare off any banshees.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Damien said, watching on top of a cliff with the others.

"Do you think they're gonna be okay?" Aggie asked worriedly.

Quinn shrugs her shoulders, "Hard to say, from what I heard, every young hunter must learn how to ride an Ikran or banshees, it's kinda like a rite of passage test."

"So...how will they get up here?" Damien asked in confusion. "We got here by the ship or the banshees, but how can Jake and Chrissy get up?"

"The Na'vi has a traditional way to get onto top of here." Kendall said, watching some Banshees resting by. 

"Really? How?" Damien asked curiously.


Jake, Chrissy, and two new hunters were riding on their Direhorses, following Tsu'tey up a trail. The Direhorses' hooves clopped right next to a sheer drop into a misty canyon, breaking some rocks that fell on the slope. Chrissy soothes Rara's neck gently, ushering her to move forward carefully. They headed up the slope and up ahead was an astounding sight. Thick vine-like trees have trapped large floating boulders of Unobtainium in their gnarled grip. A hundred meters above them, more boulders are woven into the twisted vine-trunks. This is some sort of freak natural occurrence like the mythical beanstalk, going up into the clouds. The group dismounted their direhoses while Jake looked up at the beanstalk going into the clouds. He was amazed at the sight before him.

"Za'u!" Tsu'tey called out to the two young hunters. Come!

The two young hunters came to Tsu'tey as he began instructing them about the climb. Chrissy listens to the background. He was instructing them on what to do and how to keep up. Chrissy got to admit, for a strict hunter, he can be very carrying for his people. After his instruction, the group started climbing up the vines. Jake and Chrissy were able to catch up, due to their training. They reached the last boulder and stood next to Tsu'tey, who was waiting for something.

"Oehu." Tsu'tey said to group. With me.

"Now what?" Jake asked Tsu'tey, standing next to him.

"Latsi!" Tsu'tey said to Jake and the group. Keep up!

Soon, they saw a bigger part of the mountain above them came hovering to their direction with vines sprouting from it. Chrissy realizes what's going on and quickly turns to Jake.

"Get ready to jump, Jake!"

Jake turns to her in confusion. "What-"

Jake was cut off when Tsu'tey shouted, "Kivä ko!" Let's go!

Tsu'tey jumps onto the vine just in time, gripping it tightly before climbing up. Jake was astounded by this until the two hunters joined in, grabbing on to the vines and started climbing up. Chrissy looks at Jake and shrugs before she too jumps and grabs onto the vine, and begins her climb. Not long after, Jake jumps in and grabs a vine, he does not want to be left behind. The group ventures on, running through the thick vines. There, they entered a pathway on the Cliffside, covered by a waterfall. When they got in, they heard a Banshee roar. They watched as a banshee came through the waterfall. And riding on it was Neytiri. She came to oversee their training. Tsu'tey instructed Jake to go first, which made the Avatar Driver nervous. However, Chrissy and Neytiri encourage him, giving him enough encouragement. The group went to an area that is filled with banshees. They were close to the cliff, so that these banshees could take off.

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