March (17- 19)

706 29 1

17 March 1999

As he was here just for two days, I was sticking him like a koala. Why did he go so soon? By the way, he gave me a cell phone so that we could talk with each other. It is awkward when I talk with him using landline. Although no one ever said any word to me, I was always skeptical about what I would do when anyone said anything to me.

Landlines are expensive and so are personal phones, but at least I can have my privacy. Everyone in the household had their personal phone and I was the only one who didn't have one. Like the norm, my phone number was also written on the diary that was lying from ages in the telephone stand.

It is fascinating that these small devices can even save a number so one doesn't need to write them separately in any notebook. Other than that, one can easily find any contact detail, everything is synchronized. I can even play a game of snake in it. It means that I won't not get bored, no matter where I go.

This time when Shrawan went back I was not as sad as I used to be in the past, maybe it is because I got this gadget and I can connect with him anytime, anywhere. I think that I am behaving like a child who just received his favorite candy.

I called my parents and gave them the news that I have my own phone now, no one in my family has one. My brother contacted them using the landline that is in the hostel. I felt privileged that now my family could contact me whenever they want. I remember that one time my mother told me to not call them often because she believed that it would leave a bad impression in front of my in-laws. A girl should let go of the attachment with her parents and replace them with her in-laws in order to have a peaceful life, that's what she says.

I have been married for over a month, touchwood my in-laws are nice, but I don't think I can ever replace them with my parents. They raised me for 22 years and the attachment cannot be replaced at an early time of marriage, eventually I will be more attached to them, like every woman. I don't think that the bond with parents vanished. I had seen my mother cry sometimes for her parents, and my grandmother also had moist eyes when she mentioned her parents.

Why does a woman have to make all the sacrifice? Is it not possible that men move to their in-laws. I have read that in some communities, which dwell in forests, this kind of practice is common. Even in some places men gave dowry for their marriage instead of receiving. Isn't it wonderful? But it would be better if the term dowry ceased to exist.

Yours Vijaya

18 March 1999

My mother-in-law is antagonized as Gyatri Devi decided to participate in the upcoming Vidhan Sabha election which is due in October. From the last two elections my father-in-law was elected without much opposition. Gyatri Devi is cynical that my family has forged the elections, and I highly doubt it. Her intentions are shabby and I know she is popular, as she always plays the role of victim, so people are not aware about her true colors.

Is there any way to expose her true identity? My father-in-law is such a decent man, I don't think that he will ever resort to any unethical means to win the election. I know whoever stands against him, they are determined to defeat. People of Devawas not just love him, they pray him and it is out of the question that he will lose to her.

I think my mother-in-law is overthinking. She does have anger-issue, most of the time she is calm, but whenever she is furious, she has a different personality altogether. She breaks things, I think, it is pointless, because at the end of the day she is at a loss, her property is getting destroyed and she has to spend more to replace it.

On the T.V. Gaytri Devi interview was played in which she claimed that she will find justice for her father by putting his assassin behind the bars. I was sitting near my mother-in-law when she threw a vase at the television, smashing it into pieces. I was taken back, when she cursed at her, "Crazy bitch, it would be better if she had died."

I got it that she lost her calm for a moment because it was uncalculated, still she should have paid attention to her words, no matter how bad any person is, it is wrong to wish for someone's death. Let her participate in the election and let her propagate whatever she wants, the result will shut her mouth. There is no need to worry about something trivial.

I wanted to defy her wrongdoing but I have no words, if my mother even got a whiff that I tried to face off my mother-in-law, she would not talk with me. I wanted to share my emotions with someone, so I called Shrawan but I dare not to speak any word about that incident. No boy will hear gossip about his mother, I didn't mention anything bad about my mother-in-law. I just suggested that he should talk with his mother later because she is upset that Gaytri Devi will participate in the election.

He was cool unlike his mother, he told me to not mind her because she was deeply hurted by that woman. When I look deeper, I realize that no woman will accept it if someone tries to look down on and alleged her husband, I might also react in the similar way. She is worried as now MLA ji has to meet her quite often and her actions are questionable. In this situation, I should stand by her side, instead of questioning her.

Yours Vijaya

19 March 1999

The entire area is in chaos, people are condemning my family because Gaytri Devi is hospitalized. Some media houses speculate that she was hit as my father-in-law was worried that he might lose the election, so he played foul.

There are people who are protesting against MLA ji and they want him to resign from his post. It doesn't make any sense, opponents claim that he is the only person who would benefit from her death.

My mother-in-law is bewildered, she is calling people to support her husband. I don't know much about them, but one thing that I am sure of is that they are powerful and their support might turn the table.

Someone tried to barge into our house, luckily, Shrawan sent a police man to our house, when he realized that the situation was going out of control. I never felt this threatened in my life. This service is scary, when people love you they love you unconditionally, and when they are mean they forget the limits and forget that others are human as well and they also need to be respected.

When I talked with Shrawan I realized how vulnerable he was. Even during the budget discussion, the opposition was demanding that Deendayal ji should not participate in it. My family is going through a rough time and I can't help them. Neither I have connections nor money to protect them.

Now when I look at it, I think that my mother-in-law was right. I heard her talking with one of the industrialists, she said that Gyatri Devi has planned everything to gain public attention, she is trying to defame us. It is obvious that she can't stand against my father-in-law, that's why she is hitting below the belt. Everyone is trying to find the car that caused this muddle. How can no one notice that car, not even Gaytri Devi, then how can anyone blame my family?

Shrawan told me to lock the house and not to let anyone suspicious come to the house, everyone is a suspect. My mother-in-law is sitting right in front of T.V. looking for all the details. I wanted to give her company, but some men came and she beckoned me to go to my room. Perhaps, they want privacy, or my in-laws do not want me to involve myself in this situation. Amidst this chaos, they are caring for me. I wish I could help them in any way.

Yours Vijaya

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