March (20-22)

619 27 1

20 March 1999

My in-laws hired some private detectives, along with the authorities. This matter is the utmost priority of Devawas, sadly the entire town is divided into two blocks. I thought that everyone loved this family, but the situation on the ground is different. One of the party members backstabbed my father-in-law and no action from the party side was taken on him.

The party members are stating that stringent inquiry would be conducted, everything would be thoroughly checked, and justice would be served. My mother-in-law also gave an interview and said that all those who are behind framing her husband would be punished according to law. She even warned media houses who are fabricating these rumors. I have to say that she is a strong woman, despite being uneducated she knows how to give a speech. 

All this happened when we went to visit Gaytri Devi in the hospital. Reporters keep asking the question why MLA Deendayal didn’t come with us? To which my mother-in-law replied that both Shrawan and Deendayal ji are in Jaipur. Shrawan will visit soon but MLA ji is busy with the budget session.

We were not allowed to meet her because her condition was critical, so my mother-in-law handed flowers to her PA. On our way back, more reporters surrounded us. Their flash lights were torture to my eyes; along with my mother-in-law, they started asking questions from me. It appears as if they were paid by someone else to ask those types of questions which would puzzled us.

One of them asked me if I knew that MLA Deendayal would attempt to murder the opposition. I was spaced out for the moment, but I gave my counter. “First and foremost, my father-in-law hasn't done such a thing, everyone who is behind this conspiracy would be punished very soon. Secondly, a lie has no leg to stand upon, eventually, everything would be unveiled and all the people who are standing against him will stand by his side. Have some shame, and stop bothering us without any solid proof.”

I was awestruck by how I spoke in front of so many people. My mother-in-law was satisfied and she even told me that I did a great job. When I settled myself in the car, my legs gave up, they were numb, it might be because of the excitement. When we reached home, Shrawan called my mother and said that he will be back by tomorrow. I wanted to talk with him, since I was shaking owing to the previous incident. Somewhere, I realized that I should calm myself and give him some time, considering that he is going through alot. 

If I was asked question by the media, a woman who know nothing about politics and no one even know about my existence than Shrawan’s condition would be may more critical. When will this all end?

Yours Vijaya 

21 March 1999

At around 11 Shrawan came back home. Since I knew that he would be coming home, I was waiting for him. “Are you alright?” The first thing he did after seeing me was to ask about me. I nodded and asked the same. He patted my head and said that's a relief. Hearing his voice, my mother-in-law came to meet him. 

Both of them went to the study to discuss something before saying, “Don’t worry Vijaya everything will be fine, go get some sleep.”

I wanted to accompany them, but I had no guts. I came back to my room and began to speculate why they are not allowing me to join them. At one point I thought what if they are planning something vicious? My eyes landed on our wedding photograph and I mentally hit myself. No, this man will not do anything bad, when at such a young age he devoted his life for public welfare. I should never question his intentions.

When he came back to our room, it was around 1, I was dozing off, but when I heard his footsteps I woke up. “I am sorry Vijaya,” he said, helding my hands. I was confused and he sensed that, “You don’t need to consort my mother in these political issues. I wanted to say that when you were with mummy at the time when the child fell. Today must be extremely hard on you. I am so sorry that you have to face the backlash. Mummy told me that you were uneasy even after coming back home.”

I hugged him to calm him down. At that moment our hearts were beating in harmony. I assured him that it is not his fault and I felt terrible that I am of no use for them. I told him that I was accompanying my mother-in-law because I want to be a support for him. I want to stand by his side like my mother-in-law is doing for her husband. I said that I want to be his pillar. 

He became emotional, and gave me his words that he will never let go of me. He will treasure me and give me everything that I want. 

Shrawan I don’t want anything, I just want to be by your side till my last breath. God please help us, I can’t see him suffering. He has dark circles. I know even though he is declining, he hasn’t slept for a moment.

He tugged me in the bed and laid down next to me, when I slept, he went outside. At around 4 in morning I woke up and saw that Shrawan was not in the room. I got up and went to search for him. Lights of study were on so I decided to make his black coffee. 

When I entered the study room, my heart sank seeing him holding his head. He smiled at me when I handed him his coffee mug. He put the cup on the table and hugged my waist. I caressed his head and he pulled me in his lap saying that everything would be fine by tomorrow. 

People started coming to visit him early in the morning. His day was packed, so was my mother-in-law’s. I stayed in the kitchen or in my room because I didn’t want to distract them. I prepared light food for him, but most of the time I served him juice and nuts so that he had energy. 

In the afternoon, he visited Gaytri Devi in the hospital and talked with reporters. He guaranteed them that the offender would soon be caught. I hope that things turn to normal soon.

Yours Vijaya

22 March 1999  

The person who caused the accident was arrested, this news chased clouds. My family held a press conference, and announced that they will sue everyone who was blaming them. 

By evening results of the police enquiry came out, and it was clear that on that day the man was drunk, which caused the accident. As the driver of Gyatri Devi died on the spot, most probably he will get at least 7 years of imprisonment. 

After the press conference, many media houses who earlier tried to frame my father-in-law, their HO came to meet my father-in-law in Jaipur. He decided to let it go, he is way too nice. How could he let go of them who just didn’t cause mental stress to him but also caused emotional breakdown of his family.

Shrawan was so exhausted that as he hit the pillow, he started snoring. I pitied him, he has gone through a lot. My mother-in-law went to Jaipur to be with my father-in-law. I wish she too had a peaceful sleep.

Yours Vijaya

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