August (9- 11)

487 17 9

9 August 1999

To gather as many people as possible,  the CM is going to visit in the helicopter.

Sound odd isn't it?

People are simple here,  they don't understand this tactic. Politicians know that people will flock in thousands if not in lakhs, just to get a glimpse of the helicopter from nearby.

I am not sure though, but at night a famous dancer from Haryana will come and entertain the people. She is directly supporting them.

Sometimes I don't understand what these dancers have to do with political parties. Although I find it a bit bizarre, indeed, they can highly change the flow.

Celebrities have influence in almost every section these days. I vaguely remember that when the entire nation was fuming in anger because of Capital Rape Case, just to divert people's attention a retirement was announced from a cricketer and later he was given a seat in Rajya Sabha.

I could be wrong though but the pieces fit so well that it is absurd to not believe this theory.

Many new movies were released which were earlier expected to be in the later part of the year. Don't you think that these events are tightly knitted?

Why people are not able to see the links? It appears as if every action that we think is happening naturally is pre-planned. If it is true, then what else could be real?

I strongly believe that there are people who are making us think that what we are doing is actually what we want, however, in reality, the case is the opposite. We are doing what they want us to do, this is petrifying.

No one more than me wants to nullify this theory. As there is no evidence that it is true, likewise there is no proof that it doesn't exist.

10 August 1999

To fit in we girls make tons of sacrifices and each of them goes unnoticed, whereas if the man even does a single thing, everyone goes "You are blessed, Vijaya".

Come on he just brought milk for me. I was talking with my mother when Shrawan entered with two cups of milk, one for him and one for me. Already the maid was on her way to bring it to us and he was coming in the same direction.

When I said thank you, my mother instantly chimed in and asked whom I was thanking, and when I told her that Shrawan handled the cup. She was literary fangirling him.

"Wow, we are lucky to have such a nice son-in-law. Likewise, you are fortunate to have him as your husband. You don't know how bad some men are out there." Then, she started telling me about different stories.

When we were middle of a conversation Shrawan took the phone from my hand put it on speaker and then muted it. On one side my mother was speaking constantly and on the other side, he was kissing me like Romeo could have kissed Juliet.

He whispered in my ear, "Don't your mother want to become a grandmother?"

I was blushing like anything. Things took a hot turn and I announced that my mother-in-law calling me and I disconnected the call.

Most of the time I love this other side of him and today was one such day. However, sometimes I feel disgusted. Like when someone talks about Arshi. Although I should feel discomfort with Divija for whom all of them wanted to marry her with Shrawan. But, somehow I feel comfortable with her.

Anyways, I think it is high time I should think of having a baby. I want to become a mother, maybe I am rushing things. Before a month or two, I wanted to focus on my career which was my primary goal. Now, it seems secondary maybe because I am lonely.

Shrawan is not with me most of the time and I feel a knot of discomfort when I have to talk with his mother. Additionally, everyone here is from Mars, things that never should be normalized, they have normalized.

I badly want to raise my children in a sophisticated way. I don't want them to have two faces.

Hopefully, I will do as I said.

Yours Vijaya

11 August 1999

A few years ago, a prominent leader who could have become the first Dalit President of India. Maybe things could have turned different then but... He said, once again a father is defeated because of his son. He had no other option but to withdraw his nomination form and the same thing happened with Gaytri Devi, the only difference is she was not representing the minority.

The world of politics is scary, I am telling you, it is dirtier than it looks.

Shrawan and his mother went to greet C.M. as he decided to visit Devawas today. As father-in-law is one of his trusted men out of that, plus out of protocol, he is also there to welcome him.

I wanted to go but no one asked me to tag along, so I assumed that it would be better if I stayed here. I know I should be speaking for myself and whom am I even afraid of?

Let it be, I wasn't even interested in going there. I don't know what I am thinking and writing at this point.

It's just that I too wanted to see the helicopter. No, I don't need it I have been on the plane and I had seen the one at the airport.

The truth is I wanted to meet C.M. He is a Chief Minister of Rajasthan, so he does have power. And, I want justice for my sister.

Just because I am not mentioning her, or I am talking with my parents it doesn't mean that I forget about her. I still see her in my dream, however, she is not asking for anything. I regret that I don't know much about her, still I want her to be in peace atleast in the afterlife.

Yours Vijaya

I have qualified PhD entrance and now I am preparing for my interview. I am sorry for the delay.😔
Wish me luck for the interview 🙈

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