April (17-21)

523 22 2

17 April 1999

When I was separating our clothes for laundry, I checked Shrawan’s jeans pocket and on it, I noticed that he had three tickets of Raj Mandir. When I confronted him, he said that he bought three because he wanted me to relax because no other guy could sit near to me. It's odd, see we bought those tickets a day before and at that moment he didn't remember that he had to be in a conference then how he had three of them. My mind was thinking of all the possible excuses, and I came to the conclusion that he already remembered his engagement and because we were skipping our plan, he thought that it would not be a bad decision to let me enjoy the show all by myself.

I wanted to question him about the extra ticket, but I thought that it would be too much. What if he thought that I am doubting him, what if he thought that telling me about his ex was a stupid decision. So, I just took them and some cards that I found in his pocket and asked him if needs any of them or if I should get rid of them. 

His eyes told me that he was wondering whether I checked these tickets or not. After a few minutes, he told me that he bought three tickets, so that no one could sit by my side. He told me that there were some incidents in the theater when he watched a movie in Delhi. A strange man who was sitting next to a woman tried to harass her. Thus, in order to avoid this mishap he bought one in advance. 

It's odd… Stop it Vijaya just put yourself in his shoes… he was being caring. I do need to stop imagining weird things. 

Father-in-law is going to Jodhpur, there is a meeting there. On 1 of April a new department was started that is related to Panchayti Raj. Maybe soon in Devawas the elections of sarpanch will be conducted. 

Shrawan is worried if this is a good idea or not, maybe this will results in decentralization of power. I have no idea what all these things mean and I didn’t want to ask him about it in detail and make me look stupid in front of him. Why does he always come with these talks, can’t he simply talk about normal things, like have you had your breakfast and stuff like this. Sometimes I think that we cannot live like a normal couple. I  don’t understand the need of panchayati raj department, already in villages there is a panchayat and sarpanch. Understanding politics is not my cup of tea. 

Yours Vijaya

18 April 1999

Mummy started a conversation with me when we were alone at home. She directly asked me if I was ignoring her. I didn’t know how to react, I think that I became pale. After a few seconds I shook my head and asked why I would ignore her. She said that it could be because Shrawan didn’t want me to talk with her. 

Indeed she is a mother so she already knows what her child is up to and how he will react in a certain situation. Her eyes glistened with tears as she said that I should follow his instruction. I got up from my seat and hugged her. I know she is sensitive from father-in-law’s actions, so I didn’t want her to feel worse. I lied and said that Shrawan didn’t say any such thing. 

She hugged me tightly and said that a woman had to make sacrifices for her family. This reminded me of my mother, she alway says the same thing. I guess it is true and if one lies low then there is no point of conflict. 

Later she changed the topic and said that father-in-law is nice to her, it's just that he does have some bad habits. But, no one is perfect in this world. I think she is unaware that I know everything. I keep saying yes to everything she says. I believe this is the only thing I can do to ease her pain. I can’t even imagine how I would have reacted if I were at her place.

Looking at the situation, I assume this is not the first time my father-in-law did such a thing. Wasn't he afraid that if any media outlet got their hands on this news. I still remember how much they annoyed us when Gaytri Devi was in hospital. Thankfully, it was a false call, but this is not. 

I never thought that things could be this messy in this house. Firstly, I thought that my mother-in-law is sick of having such a strict diet regime. Now, when I pay attention to details I realize that she is fine, the problem is with my father-in-law. Honestly, I am scared of even facing him. It is their personal problem and I should not think about him in the wrong way, I don’t even know what his circumstances were?

Whatever the situation is, it is wrong to cheat. I don’t think that I would be able to live with Shrawan if he ever indulged in any such incident. I never understand why I create such a hypothetical situation. Do you have any solution for it?

Yours Vijaya

19 April 1999   

Tomorrow is my father-in-law's birthday, so everyone is busy as there will be a party. I don’t get the hypocrisy, how can they just celebrate it. I don’t feel like writing as I am exhausted. 

Yours Vijaya

21 April 1999

At first I thought that they would celebrate his birthday at home, anyone could have imagined the same thing. The way they were decorating the house. They have extra money to waste. 

I was alone at home and all of them went to Jaipur because they had to celebrate it with other politicians and some celebrities. I badly wanted to go to that high class party. Shrawan told me that my father-in-law might not be happy if I accompany them. It is true, as my in-laws' fight started because mummy took me out.  

So, when mummy asked me to join them, I refused her politely. Thus, I was given a responsibility to donate clothes and grains to the slum that is in outskirt of Devawas. I was hesitant at first, but when MLA ji said that his PA will accompany me, I knew that I had to go there. Mummy took the clothes that I had to wear yesterday. As always she told me to secure the hem of saree on my head using some pins so that it won’t fall. 

Before marriage, my mother never let me go to that area, she used to say that many criminals lived there. I had never been to that side prior to yesterday and I was skeptical about my safety. The entire area was in bad condition, it could not be worse. To my surprise, people were not anything like I had imagined. When one of the guards announced that I would be donating clothes and grains. All of them quietly formed a queue, and eagerly waited for their turn. 

My eyes almost filled up to the brim when the first person, who was a middle aged woman almost about the age of my mother, took the gift and touched my feet. I was not expecting this, so I backed off and helped her to get up, saying that she is older and she should not make me a sinner.

I requested everyone to not touch my feet as I don’t think that it is wrong. I chatted with children afterward, and asked them in which class they studied. Unfortunately, none of them go to school. When I asked them, they said that as they belong to lower caste, they were not given admission in the school. 

I realized that they must be mistaken because denial of education by an institute is against the fundamental right of education. I later asked their parents and they told me that they don’t have money to send their children to school. When I told them that the education is free, I came across a new side that was unknown to me. There were some parents who sent their children to school, but those who belonged to high caste bullied their children. When they complained to the teacher, they denied the allegation and were not interested in solving this problem. Consequently, they prohibited their children from going to school. 

The situation that is going on at the ground level is completely different from the reality that is projected in the newspaper. I assured them that I will talk with MLA ji about this issue. However, they don’t look pleased with this idea. The first thing that crossed my mind was if he was already aware about their condition and is willingly ignoring their plea. 

It is 10 and they will be home by noon, so I have no option but to wait for them and enlighten them about these atrocities. I will update later.

Yours Vijaya

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