Chapter Three

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Ray's POV

With this new and horrifying emotion, Ray walked towards Pascal's HQ.

(Two hours earlier)

Ray reviewed his plan one more time. 'Infiltrate Pascal's HQ, then join him and Nein. Once I've joined them, I'll take the Miniforce down, starting with that tr- with Dr. Tao.' He still couldn't bring himself to call Dr. Tao a traitor, given everything that's happened to him. It was the last shred of his respect towards Dr. Tao. He might despise the man but he certainly won't disrespect him. Specially since he basically took care of him for a good amount of years. 'Okay. We have the plan, but it won't be of good use unless we act on it.'


Ray walked in and towards Pascal and Nein's meeting place. A few Zero Bots noticed him. "Fire!" One of them ordered. They began shooting at him, but Ray dodged them all and took the guards down with one fell swoop. More Zero Bots came at him but they stood no chance. With a blink of an eye they were on the ground unconscious. 'Pathetic.' He reached the meeting place, and two more Zero Bots were standing there. "Fi-" and they're on the ground unconscious. He opened the door and walked in. Pascal hummed in confusion. He turned around and saw Ray standing there. "Miniforce Agent Ray? I heard you've left the Miniforce, but what are you doing here?" Pascal asked in his usual annoying tone. 'Miniforce.' It still felt so strange to know he's not part of it anymore. But they have abandoned him, left him for dead, hey hell they ordered one of their own agents to take him out. They're low and pathetic, and he is not. "I despise the Miniforce now." He paused. Does he really want his help? He hates the Miniforce but he hates Pascal even more. Although, with Pascal (and possibly Nein too) could help him become stronger. "Could you help me become stronger, with the power of darkness?" Pascal was flabbergasted. "Huh?! But, didn't you look up to that genius Dr. Tao of the Miniforce like your own father?! And now you want to betray the Miniforce?!" 'Dr. Tao.' Flashbacks of that night came flooding in. It made Ray's blood boil by the mere mention of him. "Do not utter the name of that man in front of me again!" Ray yelled. Pascal laughed a rather evil laugh. "If you're going to fight the Miniforce, of course I'll lend you that power!" He laughed again.

Pascal's POV

'What a fool! And he's supposedly a "Special Agent"! He's dumber than those useless toads! Ooh this is so fun and entertaining!'

Ray's POV

"Well then, we'll set up a time and location for a fight! How does that sound? The Miniforce will come, and we can finally rid this world of them!" Pascal exclaimed. Ray nodded in agreement.

Ray and Pascal stood there. It felt... weird. This darkness felt so weird. It caused him a headache, but it also didn't. It caused him joint pain, but it also didn't. But what really bothered him was the way he felt. He felt powerful. Sickening in a good way. It made him terrified of himself. This was so unsettling for him, but a part of him enjoyed it. "Are you listening?" Pascal asked, annoyed. Ray didn't answer. He sighed. "The Miniforce will be here in a few minutes. Get ready. And don't screw this up, got it?" Pascal said. Ray nodded. 'This still feels so... wrong.'

The Miniforce finally arrived. "Ray!" Volt said. 'Him.' "Why are you over on Pascal's side? Why is a Miniforce agent like you threatening humans?" He asked. Ray didn't notice any hint of malice or double meanings in his words. This pissed him off. "I am no longer a Miniforce agent." He growled. "What?! Traitor!" The yellow one said angrily. "Max." The pink one whispered, trying to calm the yellow one, Max, down. "What kind of conspiracy have you created now, Pascal?" The red one said sternly. 'The yellow one must be the brawn, red one is the brains, the pink one might be the healer, and Volt must be the leader. To think a man like Volt is the leader...' "Conspiracy? Sorry to hear that. I'm just lending my help to a 'friend' who hates the Miniforce!" Pascal said, his tone laced with annoyance. "I will destroy you, along with the Miniforce Headquarters!" Ray angrily said. "Ray, show them what you've got!" Pascal exclaimed. Adrenaline kicked in and Ray could feel his thirst for revenge slowly take over. "All of you should beware!" He yelled as he sprinted towards the Miniforce. "Force Gun, transform!" Ray shouted as he changed his Force Weapon into a gun and started firing at the Miniforce. The Miniforce dodged. "Force Weapon, ready!" They shouted in unison. Volt and Max shot at Ray, but Ray transformed his gun into a sword and dodged the bullets. He sprinted towards them and hit them both with ease. The red one began shooting at Ray but Ray dodged. The pink one summoned her Force Bow and began firing at Ray, but Ray dodged. She began preparing another attack but Ray was faster and attacked her. She took a few steps back to regain her balance. Her teammates surrounded her. "Lucy, are you alright?" They asked in unison. "Yeah." She sheepishly answered. "Everybody, give it everything you got! Force Bow transform!" Volt yelled. "Transform!" The rest yelled in unison. "Force Strike, ready!" Volt yelled. "Ready!" The rest yelled in unison. After transforming their bows they aimed directly at Ray. "Force Strike, fire!" Volt exclaimed. They all shot their arrows in sync, and the arrows became one big arrow and hit Ray, knocking him to his knees. 'I can't lose like this! Not to Volt! Not again!' "You little brats!" Ray said. "Ray, I don't know why, but, we're all Miniforce. You can't stand on the side of evil." Volt said. 'Trying to sound clueless, huh? It's not like you didn't try to kill me a few weeks ago!' "You brat. Don't act like you don't know!" Ray shouted. He lunged at Volt, but Volt dodged. Volt and Ray faced each other. Volt transformed his weapon into a sword. Volt and Ray began fighting each other. Ray strikes Volt's sword hard which pushes him back a good few meters away from him. Volt's teammates began firing at Ray with their bows, but Ray dodged. "Watch out Volt!" The red one warned Volt. 'If I can hit Volt a few more times, I could seriously injure him. Just what I need.' Ray sprinted towards Volt and they fought again. Ray overpowered Volt and pushed him back a good few meters away from him. Volt couldn't keep his balance from the hit and fell on his knees. His teammates got worried. Max and the red one went to attack Ray but he jumped and struck Volt with a strong blow, which caused him to fly back and hit his head on a rock. His teammates ran to check up on him, which gave Ray more than enough time to leave.

Sammy's POV

They rushed Volt back to their house immediately. "How is he doing, Lucy?" Sammy asked. "Not good at all! His fever keeps rising! We need to bring it down quickly!" She said in a a nervous tone. 'This isn't good. We're still ten minutes away from our house. Will Volt hold on for just ten more minutes?... He's strong, even in such a state. He'll make it.'

They reached their house and quickly got in. "Suzy! Come quick! Volt has a high fever!" Lucy shouted. Suzy immediately came running to check on Volt. "What do you mean he has a fever?! You're only coming back when it's this bad?! Where is he?!" Suzy scolded. Lucy quickly gave Volt to Suzy. "He's hot to the touch! Quickly, get me some cold water and towels, and my phone. I need to call my mom to see what I should do." She said after grabbing hold of Volt. They all nodded.

Suzy checked his temperature again. She still looks upset and worried. "How did Volt end up hurt so badly?" She asked. 'Crap. We can't tell her that.' "Well, aren't you guys going to say anything?" She angrily asked. "Sorry Suzy. We can't tell you." Max said. "Yeah. Our first priority is getting him healthy." Lucy agreed. Suzy became even sadder. "Volt, I'm sorry. I was wrong. You were completely right, but I got angry! I'll never be angry with you again! I'll make your favorite foods all the time! So quit it and get up Volt!" Suzy said sadly. 'Wait, Volt's hand. It just moved!' "Wait! Volt's hand just moved." He said. And with that, Volt got up. Everyone was (pleasantly) surprised. "Volt, can you hear me?" Max asked eagerly. He sat down, groaning. "Volt! You're awake!" Suzy cheered. A sliver of a smile appeared on Sammy's beak. "I knew he'd wake up soon enough." He said. Volt looked around confused and dazed. He suddenly stood up. "Who are you guys?" Volt asked, all recognition of them gone.

Ray's POV

Ray felt...bad for some reason. He got what he wanted, right? This didn't make any sense. He couldn't understand anything anymore. 'I thought it would make me feel better. Why am I still so attached to that damned organization?! They betrayed me, left me to die, and if even the one and only person who I thought would never abandon me ended up doing just that and worse! Yet somehow I can't bring myself to call Dr. Tao a traitor. This doesn't make any sense! Why can't I just accept the fact that he's abandoned me? It's happened hundreds of times before! It was bound to happen at some point! He's abandoned me, ordered Volt to kill me, and I still can't bring myself to truly want to cause any harm to him! This is so frustrating!'

That night, was the first night he cried about the situation he's in. Not just because the full weight of Dr. Tao's influence over the years had on him, but also because he had to hand over Dr. Tao to Pascal at some point in his plan. He was so frustrated and confused and scared. He didn't know what he was doing, nobody was really helping, and he felt so...lonely. He has completely forgotten how it feels. Whenever he felt lonely, he would go to Dr. Tao for company. But now that Dr. Tao has abandoned him, he had nobody to turn to. He felt completely useless and pathetic. 'Enough, Ray.'

(A/N. I know the fight scenes were a bit boring and rushed, I'm not very good at writing fight scenes. But I'll improve, or at least try to improve, with every fight scene! Okay bye.)

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