Chapter Five

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Dr. Tao's POV

Ray seemed so... Distant. He was definitely in pain, but not emotional pain. It was more intense. He was distressed. He wanted to say so many things but still bottled them all up and didn't say anything. He was bothered and he needed someone to be there. No, he wasn't bothered. He was scared. Confused. Worried. Dr. Tao wasn't there for him, no matter how hard anyone tried to convince him otherwise. There wasn't anything he could do, and that was what really angered him. The reason why he couldn't forgive himself. It was as if he failed, and he didn't want anyone else to feel how Míngzé felt for so long.

(Flashback to a clear memory: Dr. Tao's)

''You're going to injure yourself even more, Ray.'' ''I'll be fine, Doctor! Promise!'' Ray had just learned a new technique, and he wants to perfect it. He had injured himself a day ago, and it hasn't healed yet. But Ray insisted. "Doctor, did you see? Did you see? I did it!" Ray exclaims. "I saw that! Great job, Ray!" Dr. Tao was proud of how far Ray has gotten, but he'd be lying if he said he doesn't sometimes wish he'd slow down a little. It wasn't for any bad reasons, rather he just worried about him from time to time. "Dr. Tao, I have a question." Ray says. "Go ahead." Dr. Tao says. "Why did you take me in? Nobody wanted me because I was different, but you didn't care. Why?" Ray's voice drops to a rather quiet tone. Dr. Tao could hear his heart shatter into a million pieces. What caused him to ask such a question? Before Dr. Tao could form a sentence, Ray quickly says, "I don't mean it like that, Dr.! I was just curious is all! It's just that..." Ray trails off for a moment, then clears his thoughts and continues, "It's just that nobody ever did anything nice for me, and nobody even cared. But you do, and I just wanted to know why." Dr. Tao sits Ray down, then sits down himself.

Dr. Tao remembers it like it was yesterday. "You see, when I found you, you were severely malnourished and underweight, and you were covered with cuts and bruises. And you looked so... Dead inside. I couldn't leave you there, so I took you in. I nurtured you back to health, made sure you were okay, and since you were still shaken up from the humans, I thought I'd let you stay." He recalls. Ray is silent for a moment, then says, "So it was your decision and nobody forced you, right? Because I overheard someone say you didn't have much say in it, and I know that it's not true, but it still bothered me a little. So, I just wanted you to confirm it, that's all." Ray admits sheepishly. Dr. Tao relaxes. "You scared me there, Ray. Of course it was my decision! Whoever said that is only looking to stir up trouble, alright? Don't pay attention to them, okay?" Dr. Tao says. Ray nods. He picks up his water bottle and takes a sip.

After a while, Ray falls asleep. Dr. Tao tucks him in. He sighs. It's only been a year and few months since he found Ray, but he's still a bit shaken up, which is understandable. But something tells him that he didn't overhear it, someone told it to him. Just then, his (biological) son Míngzé sleepily walks in. "Do you need anything, Míngzé?" Dr. Tao asks him. "Can you read me a bedtime story?" Míngzé requests. "Of course. Pick out a book and I'll be right there in a moment." Míngzé nods giddily and quickly goes back to his room. Dr. Tao gets up and walks to the kitchen for a moment. 'Could it be?' He takes a sip of water. 'It would only make sense. We'll have to talk about this, but not now.' He walks over to Míngzé's room. "Did you pick out a book?" Dr. Tao says. Míngzé nods excitedly. "Alright then!" Dr. Tao sits next to Míngzé and gently takes the book from his hands. He opens the book and starts reading it.

     "Why do you love Ray more than me?" The question is so sudden. It lacks any emotion whatsoever. He is so nonchalant Dr. Tao has to replay the question in his head a few times before finally processing what his question is. "Where did you get that idea from, Míngzé?" Dr. Tao asks quietly. "I don't know. Sometimes I just feel like you give Ray more attention than me. I know he's more... Sensitive? Sensitive than others, and he needs more attention sometimes, but I guess I'm jealous. I'm sorry." Míngzé apologizes. "Míngzé, there's nothing to apologize for. What you're feeling right now is normal. It's okay to be jealous, it's okay to be angry, it's okay to be sad, but it's not okay when you behave in a way you shouldn't. For example, trying to bring someone down when you're feeling down isn't a nice way to deal with whatever you're going through. It might help for a short while, but it will usually end with regret." Dr. Tao takes a moment to think about what to say next. "Why didn't you come and tell me how you felt, Míngzé? I could've helped." He says. "Im sorry." Míngzé apologizes again, but this time it wasn't because of the current topic. This has been bothering him since before the topic began. "For what?" Dr. Tao asks. "I told Ray it wasn't your choice to take care of him. I told him that you were only looking after him because you had no other choice." Míngzé admits. "Why would you do that?" Dr. Tao asks, baffled. "I thought it would make me feel better, but it made me feel worse. I just wanted him to know that... That... I don't know. Looking back, I don't know why I did it. I just... Did. But he couldn't stop thinking about it which made me feel even more guilty. And now I want to apologize to him, but I don't know how." He pauses for a moment, "Actually, I do know how. Im just scared he won't accept it." "Ray will understand. Im sure of it. It might take him a while to accept your apology, but at the end of the day, he still cares about you just as much as anyone else. Be honest with him, and he'll forgive you. Maybe not right away, but eventually." Míngzé nods understandingly. "Want to help me make lunch tomorrow? Mama's coming back from work." Dr. Tao suggests. 'He needs to sleep, and without being worried and or anxious.' Míngzé hums excitedly.
After a few minutes, Míngzé falls asleep.

(End of memory, back to reality)

Dr. Tao was put into a cell, his wrists and ankles bound together. He sat down in a corner and eventually fell asleep.

(A/N. Sorry this took so long to publish! I lost motivation to write (and couldn't even figure out how to make the story move on) so it was delayed for a while. I know it's rushed and short and kinda messy, but I promise I'll try to make the next chapter better. Okay bye.)

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