Chapter nine

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CW: mild body dysphoria

Ray's POV

After the meeting, Ray returned home. He couldn't wear his armor until next week, so he was stuck feeling completely naked. The Miniforce was essentially created to protect society, but it had major ties and influence with the military and government. Given he was a Special Agent, Ray knew secrets that were never to be exposed. This was the main reason he feared being liquidated. 'General Choi is too kind. If I were him, I'd definitely choose the death sentence.'

     Ray felt people's eyes staring at him, judging him. 'Three more blocks.' His pace quickened. Quicker and quicker and quicker until he was practically jogging. 'One more block.' When he saw his house, he let out a small sigh of relief. Once he reached the main entrance of his house, he quickly unlocked it and stepped in. He closed the door, locked it, then went to the kitchen.

     He found some leftover seafood chow mein in the fridge. 'Guess I'll have that for dinner.' He picked up the pot and put it on the stove, then heated it up. While the food was heating up, he walked over to the living room, sat down on the couch opposite the TV, and picked up a book.

After a few minutes passed by, Ray put down his book, stood up again, and walked over to the stove. He looked at the food. 'It's ready.' He went over to the cabinet nearest the door and opened it. There were very few plates in it, but it made sense given he was only one person. He picked up the top plate, closed the cabinet, and walked back to the stove. He had a little silverware holder next to the stove for the cooking silverware. He picked up some cooking chopsticks, then put in all the chow mein in the plate. 'Today was absolutely chaotic.' He put the cooking chopsticks into the pot, then picked up the pot, and placed it into the sink. 'I'll clean it up later.' He went over to the living room again and sat down on the couch. He picked up the remote and clicked on his favorite TV series. The Blacklist. Reddington fascinated him. He's a mysterious individual who knows way too much, had so many ridiculous connections, a cold-blooded killer and strategist, and an overall force to be reckoned with. And yet he can also be the sweetest old man you'll ever meet, telling you stories of his past experiences, giving you advice, and just looking out for you in general. His relationship with Liz is what he found the most interesting. 'Just who exactly is he? And why does he care about her so much?' He liked Liz, too. She's constantly been lied to, didn't know much about her past, and the only thing that was keeping her sane is finding out who Reddington is. 'It's like how I want to know who my biological parents are, and why they abandoned me.'

     When Ray finished his food, he placed it at the sink and went to the bathroom. He had turned on the water when he saw his hands. For the first time in a while, he got to really look at them. He had bear claws as fingers. They weren't exactly long, but they weren't short either. Somewhere in the middle. He looked at his arms. They had fish scales on them. He looked up at the mirror and saw the rest of himself. He had bat wings and he could rotate his head like an owl. His eyes were a ruby red. He had eagle eyesight. He had fox ears. He had dolphin hearing. He had the sense of smell of an elephant. He looked down at his feet. They were the only normal looking thing about him. He felt sick to his stomach. He was simply a horrible abomination. A mutilated and disgusting mess of different animals. He was too different. He was such a- a- He felt really sick to his stomach. 'Crap.' He quickly strode to the toilet, opened the lid, and threw up.

     He didn't really know why he threw up, just that he did. And he also knew that his stomach was hurting a little. 'Food poisoning?' He thought, but then he remembered. The doctor said the pain might last longer than usual. 'Since your appendix had burst but you still continued to move strenuously for one and a half hours, then passed out and were found about a half hour later, I'd say you'll feel pain for a good while. Honestly, it's amazing how you managed to stay conscious for that long!' Bile rose again. He threw up again. 'But why hasn't my stomach hurt the last couple weeks, if that's the case?' While gripping the toilet lid, he slowly got up, made sure he was balanced. A few short moments later, when he was sure he was steady, he closed the toilet lid. 'So it's food poisoning... right?'

     Ray washed his hands and mouth again. 'Well. Tonight's gonna be a long night.'

(A/N: hi yes i know this chapter is verrryy short. Ummm but I wanted to be done with it already. Yeah. Next chapter we might look into another memory of Ray's, but I might change my mind. Okay bye.)

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