Chapter six

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(Warning. This chapter contains mild cursing.)

Volt's POV

Volt and his team rushed to their mini HQ, where Commander Chen was waiting for them. "It's an emergency situation." Commander said. "Dr. Tao of the Miniforce has been kidnapped!" The hologram changed to that of a Force Bot. "Was this Force Bot made by Dr. Tao?" Lucy asked. 'It sure looks like one, but it highly resembles Pascal. It's a mechamon, most probably.' As if the Commander read his mind, he said, "This is a mechamon. Because of its destructive power, Dr. Tao had the blueprints sealed away." He paused for a moment for everyone to process what he just said. Then he continued, "But Pascal got his hands on these blueprints, and has now constructed the Force Mechamon." He finished. "Pascal kidnapping Dr. Tao must have something to do with the mechamon." Sammy said. "That's correct. In order to activate the Force Mechamon, Pascal needs the password that only Dr. Tao knows. You must rescue Dr. Tao before he reveals the passcode!" Commander urged. Volt laughed to ease the tension. "Don't worry, Commander! We'll bring Dr. Tao safe and sound, ASAP!" Volt cheerfully said. Everyone nodded a ghost of a nod of agreement. "Dr. Tao is being held hostage at Nein's estate. Find the Doctor, get out of the village to the extraction point by 4PM. The helicopter will pick you up." Commander instructed. "Sir, yes, sir!" Everyone exclaimed.

"What's our status, Sammy?" Volt asked Sammy, who was scouting the area. "Four Zero Bots at the entrance, another three at the back, and another four on the right side. There's a window open on the left side. If we can get to the left side without being detected, we'll be able to get in the window." Sammy reported. Volt nodded. 'We only have one shot at this.' "Okay then. Let's get going. Every moment we waste, Dr. Tao is in even greater danger." Volt said. Everyone nodded once.

Dr. Tao's POV

Dr. Tao was now being held hostage and locked in a transparent cell. The twin toads were standing to his right. Pascal started speaking, "Dr. Tao. I will provide you a better research facility." Pascal had grown tired of bargaining and negotiating with him. For the amount of time he's been there, his growing anxiety and increasing observations lead him to come to the conclusion that if he were to exhaust Pascal's patience, Pascal would treat him in a much more aggressive manner. 'And I'm sure I've done just that.' For all it's worth, Pascal treated him surprisingly well. "Fine! You are indeed a hard man to persuade!" Pascal scowled. His entire expression quickly changed from somewhat friendly to pissed and aggressive. "However~," he snickered, "you'll change your mind when you see this! Bring out the display!" He demanded from the toads. The toads pulled out a display showing... A picture of themselves? "..." Pascal noticed and immediately became angry. "What is this monkey business?!" Pascal's patience was wearing off very quickly. The toads skipped through a few photos of themselves, trying to find the 'display'. The toads profusely apologized, but Pascal wasn't having it. "You fools, find it quickly!" He yelled. The toads grew anxious and started skimming the photos, trying to find whatever it is they wanted to find. The remote broke. The screen showed a photo of...

"No! My grandson! You villain..." The realization finally hit. How grave this situation was. It wasn't only him who was in danger, but his family as well. He cursed under his breath. This caused him to have a headache. "You wouldn't want your grandson to be harmed, now would you? Why don't you give up the passcode then?" Pascal let out a maniacal laugh. "You dastardly villain. To use my own grandson as a means to get your twisted way!" Dr. Tao's head was reeling, so many thoughts forming different conclusions and outcomes, so much regret stemming from that trip to Belarus, so much uncertainty, and so much anxiety and worry for his family. And for Ray. Dr. Tao knew more than anyone how terrified Ray truly was. He knew that feeling of abandonment all too well. Maybe that's why he was so angry with himself? Whatever the reason was, his headache was growing unbearable, making it difficult to think. Suddenly, a passcode appeared in front of him. 'Do it!' "I'm sorry, Miniforce. But I have to give in." Dr. Tao entered the passcode. His headache was unbearable by now. He gripped his (balding) head, growing dizzy. 'What did I just do?! I've put everyone in danger!' "I'm sorry, Chen." He muttered. Pascal pointed his spear towards Dr. Tao, his intentions clear. Dr. Tao let out a startled sound. "Now that I have the passcode, I don't need you anymore, Dr. Tao." Pascal said. Dr. Tao tried to think of a way to escape, to think of a way to stall, to bluff, to do anything, but he just stood there. Paralyzed. Frozen. There was nothing he could do.

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