Chapter four

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CW: contains "damn" and "crap" (I honestly don't know if they're curse words or not but just in case)
Ray's POV?

'Enough, Ray.' Said a voice. The voice was in his head. 'Who're you?' Ray asked the voice, startled. 'I'm your subconsciousness. You've been awfully stressed lately. Is it because of what is currently happening? Or is it because of something else?' The voice said. Ray was stunned. 'Have I finally gone insane?' Ray questioned himself. 'No, you haven't. Yet. But, if you keep applying more and more stress on yourself, you just might. And we wouldn't want that, now would we? Take a rest. Talk to Dr. Tao. Do something. But stop applying stress to yourself. You say you don't want to harm the Miniforce. You're trying to snap some sense into yourself, but you're not allowing it. I'm telling you from now, if you don't try to talk to Dr. Tao, you'll end up going a horrible path. And when you do, nobody will save you. Not even Dr. Tao.' The voice said before going silent. Ray was left confused. 'What was that?'

Ray walked towards his Force Bot in slight discomfort. His stomach's been hurting him for an hour, and he didn't really know why. It's nothing he couldn't handle though. 'If I want to defeat the Miniforce brats, I'll have to drag them out. What better way to do that then to attack the humans?' Ray stopped dead in his tracks. 'What.. was that just now..? Crap.' Was he beginning to act like... Pascal? 'I can't let him affect me. It'll only make things worse.' Ray entered his Force Bot. 'I hope you prepare yourselves well, Miniforce.'

     Ray flew towards a bridge. "Miniforce, come out and play. If you don't." He paused as he shot the bridge. Many humans fled from the bridge, panicked. "My next target," he began again, "will be the center of town!" As he finished his announcement, he went to a spot to wait for the Miniforce to arrive. 'This will be fun.' He thought, with a slight hint of derangement. Clearly he wasn't taking my words as seriously as expected.

Sammy's POV

     They were discussing what to do about Volt. "If we leave him with Suzy, he'll end up telling her about our identities! Or worse, he might end up unintentionally harming her or himself! What do we do, Sammy?" Lucy said. Sammy didn't know. "We'll see what happens. For now, we should keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't do anything rash. Who knows? Maybe this is all just temporary." 'I hope this is temporary.' Sammy wouldn't admit it, but he was worried about Volt. He was their leader after all. And their friend (though Sammy was reluctant to admit this) They started walking inside, when they spotted Volt holding out the Miniforce Gem. 'He's about to transform. Crap!' They started running towards Volt when Louie walked in and slammed Volt to the wall. Louie hurried Suzy up and told her to come eat dinner, then closed the door. Volt was (comically) glued to the wall. Sammy sighed."Seeing him like this, it's clear he's not in his right mind." He shook his head. Suddenly, Max's Miniforce Gem began ringing. "Of all the worst times." Max muttered. They rushed to their mini HQ.

     They took their positions as Commander Chen appeared in a hologram. "There's been a 'worrying' situation." Commander began. A video of a Force Bot in the shape of an hawk attacking a bridge. "Ray's Force Bot has attacked the bridge." He said. 'Worrying is an understatement.' Sammy thought to himself. "They've attacked humans in the end..." Lucy muttered. "Yes. You must stop him before he creates even greater panic!" Commander said. 'But why all this? To get the Miniforce? But why?' "Ray really hates the Miniforce. What in the world happened at HQ?" Sammy asked. "Ray is a mutant of several special animals." Commander began. The hologram of Commander Chen disappeared, and a hologram of people surrounding a strange looking animal (Ray?) The people looked disgusted and angry, seemingly belittling the animal. "And so, he has been harassed by humans." Commander confirmed one of his suspicions. "Dr. Tao helped bring him to the Miniforce," (the hologram changed into Ray in his armor) "an elite agent." The hologram changed into Commander Chen again. "However, lately he incorrectly believed the Miniforce intended to get rid of him." Commander seemed to limit his words. He was trying his best not to overshare. Ray seemed to have an even more complicated past then Commander let on. 'I don't think I should push any further.' Sammy thought. "Then, all we gotta do is fix the misunderstanding!" Max suggested. "That would be good, but right now Ray is resistant to changing his mind. At this point, we have no choice but to stop him by force. You must take the Force Bots and move out now!" Commander commanded. "Sir, yes sir!" They exclaimed in unison.

Ray's POV

     His stomach was still hurting him, but even more now. 'It keeps coming and going. Why?' Ray tried to think of why, but he couldn't figure it out. He ate, used the restroom, but those didn't help. 'Maybe because I'm stressed? But if that were the case, why is it only hurting now? And why does it keep coming and going? Why didn't it hurt from the beginning?' Ray decided to stop thinking about it. (Which was a horrible decision, really) Just then, he spotted the Miniforce and their Force Bots. 'Let the fun begin.'

     He flew his Force Bot towards them, switching it from hawk to wolf a moment before he landed. The Force Bots began firing at Ray's Force Bot, but they didn't even leave  a dent on it. "What a useless attack. Now, let's get into it!" His Force Bot sprinted towards the Miniforce's, and attacked them one by one. They were all down. Ray scoffed. "This is it? What a disappointment." Suddenly the red and pink Force Bots began merging together, and the yellow one covered them. 'These brats have potential, I see.' Ray transformed his Force Bots from wolf to human. The merged Force Bot sprinted towards Ray's, and pushed him a few meters away. 'They're good, I'll have to admit.' "Now it's starting." Ray charged towards the merged Force Bot and kicked it. The merged Bot momentarily fell, but quickly got back up, aiming for the legs. Ray transformed the Force Bot from human to hawk. He flew over the Force Bot, firing at it multiple times. His Force Bot turned into a human again before sprinting towards the merged Force Bot. Ray's Force Bot leaped onto the merged Force Bot before launching it off. The merged Force Bot slid a few meters back. The merged Force Bot came charging at Ray's Force Bot. It tried to hit his Force Bot, but he dodged and sent the merged Force Bot flying a few meters back. The yellow one (finally) came charging at Ray's Force Bot, but before it could move even a few steps before Ray released an electrifying attack to stun the Force Bot. The yellow Force Bot fell on one knee. "It's time to end this now." Ray said before beginning to summon up a charged attack.

     Ray had just begun summoning his charged attack when it was interrupted by an attack directly at it. A blue Force Bot kicked Ray's Force Bot, making it take a few steps back. Ray grunted. 'Volt. The little brat.' The blue and and yellow Force Bots merged as well. [a/n now we have Lucy and Sammy = rose pink and Volt and Max = green. Okay bye.] Ray snickered. "Looks like I finally get to have some fun." Rose pink and Green (Red pink and blue yellow) come charging at Ray, but Ray jumps into the air, effectively dodging their attacks. "Try this on for size!" Ray fired an attack at Rose pink and Green, stunning the Miniforce and causing a great deal of damage to the Force Bots. Ray chuckled. "How did that taste?" He teased. The Force Bots began summoning a simultaneous ultimate attack. Ray let out a laugh. "An attack at the same time? Fine! I'll gladly take it!" Ray began summoning an ultimate attack. Rose pink and Green released their ultimate attacks simultaneously. Ray snickered. "I can take it, take this!" Ray released his ultimate attack. The attacks were unstable for a moment, but then Ray's attack seemed to overpower theirs. He laughed. "Take that!" In the blink of an eye, the Miniforce's attack suddenly overpowered Ray's. "No, this can't be!" Ray said in disbelief. He yelped before the attack hit him. It sent him tumbling a good amount of  meters back, dealing an immense amount of damage to his Force Bot. Ray gasped. "This is impossible!" He cursed under his breath. His head hurt. Did he hit it? "The damage is worse than I thought..." Ray mumbled. "You were lucky today. I'll be seeing you again soon!" He declared before transforming his Force Bot from human to hawk and flying away.

     Ray was exhausted, but he still had to do a stakeout. Dr. Tao was getting ready for bed, when suddenly he froze. Ray raised an eyebrow. 'What is he doing?' Dr. Tao snapped his neck towards Ray, startling him. 'What was that?! Has he caught me?!' Dr. Tao began running out his room. "Zero Bots! Make sure he doesn't escape!" Ray commanded the Zero Bots Pascal (insisted) he bring with him. The Zero Bots ran to guard the exits, but they were too late. Dr. Tao had already escaped. "Get him!" Ray yelled. The Zero Bots began chasing Dr. Tao. Ray gave the Zero Bots a head start before running after Dr. Tao himself.

     The Zero Bots finally caught up to him. They surrounded him, not allowing him to escape. Ray stalked towards him. Dr. Tao looked up at him, dazed. "Wait... You're...!" Dr. Tao began. "It's been a long time, doctor." Ray said. Dr. Tao mumbled something, but Ray couldn't hear him. 'It's probably not important.' "Take him away." Ray commanded the Zero Bots. 'What am I doing?' Though Ray didn't want to admit, he was a little worried about Dr. Tao's health. He looked fatigued, and he was dazed. 'Has he been drinking?' "Tell Pascal to treat him with respect!" He added before the Zero Bots disappeared.

(A/N: again I'm so sorry that the chapters got mixed up. I'll try to be more careful now. Ummm I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Okay bye.)

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