Chapter 2

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Hello everybody! Thank you for reading and review's! :) I hope you like it.

Tsuna's POV
Thank god I wasn't late, well I'm never late. Hiroshi was almost bitten to death by Kyoya it was such an amusing view. Kyoya and I have been friends since childhood. He was a dangerous child but I loved danger. So I started to talk to him, I made bentos for him and we sparred. He calls me "Tsunayoshi" I was pretty surprised when he first called me that but then I understood that Kyoya calls people by their names when he thinks they're the same level as him. I was pretty satisfied that time.

I entered school and went towards classroom. I slowly walked towards my desk and sat then I saw Hiroshi coming in everyone greeted him. He smiled and greeted them back 'Huh I wish my brother wasn't such a fake person' I thought to myself. Reborn was still watching from window I guess he will never shut up huh but it'll be such an amusing scene when he knows real me. Well yesterday night Vongola ninth boss Nono wrote me a letter. He said:

"Hello young hacker Cielo. I want you to join Vongola famiglia, not as a boss but as a friend. Please think about it and write me your answer. I'll be waiting for you.

Best wishes
Vongola Nono"

Well of course I thought about it and this isn't first time someone is asking me to join their famiglia of course I always decline their request. But this time maybe I should join anyways I'll think about it later. "Everyone go to your seats class is starting!" I heard a teacher shout and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts 'well this will be a fun class' I thought sarcastically.

Reborn's POV
Hmm after watching Baka-Hiro for a bit I noticed his fake smiles and how selfish and ugly personality he has. I try my best to train him but his ugly personality will screw everything up, he might be strong but his personality  isn't good for a boss. I guess I have to tortu-tutor him today. In other hand I watch his older twin Tsuna too, he seemed like a kind, tolerable and strong willed the best qualifies for a boss. But I should never forget that I came here to train Baka-Hiro. I feel like Tsuna is hiding something, hmm I'll should keep an eye on him too.

Tsuna's POV
'Finally hell ended' [A/N: I feel u bro] I thought to myself while walking out of school gates. I can finally rest at home but I still have to contact with Nono... Maybe I should make them wait, it would be such fun. But it's bad to make older people wait. I'll just tell them to meet with me and talk about it. I was completely in thoughts so I didn't notice how I arrived at home. I slowly walked towards door and opened it, as soon as I got in I yelled "Tadaima Kaa-san" I heard footsteps come from kitchen towards corridor "Ara Tsu-kun welcome back" she said with a wide smile I looked at her and said "Ne Kaa-san you noticed that Reborn came right?" She dropped smile and said with a serious face "Yea I noticed I'm pretty sure he came to train Hiro-kun thought. I wish it was you in his place.. I love both of you equally but you're more suited to be a boss" she said while smiling a sad smile "Ne Kaa-san maybe I should drop the mask?" I said playfully "Hmm why not Tsu-kun~" she said while smiling genuinely. After our conversation I went upstairs and got into my room "Let the game begin ne~?" I

took out of my bag and started doing homework "I'll do everything right this time heh" I smirked and started to do homework after 20 minutes I finished it and went downstairs to see Hiroshi home "Hey Dame-Tsuna I told you to not bother going to school why did you went today" Hiroshi said while laughing  I ignored Hiroshi and asked Mom if she needs any help.

*ding dong ding dong* [A/N: I laughed harder than I should]. I looked towards Mom and saw her nodding I read her expression and nodded back 'it must be him' I mumbled and then said out loud "I'm gonna get the door" I walked towards door and opened it I saw nobody in the doorway then I remembered about aracabaleno curse I looked down and saw a baby in a a black fedora "Hello yo-""Hey Dame-Tsuna who is it?" Hiroshi said while cutting off my sentence and walking towards us "Hmph stop being rude towards your family members Baka-Hiro" Reborn said and kicked Hiroshi in the stomach 'this'll be fun' I thought and started to smirk "What the hell are you doing!" Hiroshi yelled while Reborn was still standing on his stomach "I'm a home tutor" Reborn said I was trying so hard to not to laugh "Ara you must be Reborn-kun right?" Mom said "Ha look Dame-Tsuna baby came to tutor you" I ignored Hiroshi and said "Nice to meet you Reborn-san my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi" I said as I tried to sound polite as possible "Nice to meet you too Tsunayoshi. And I came to tutor you Baka-Hiro now die" he held leon aka his gun towards Hiroshi to shoot at any moment "Hieeee" Hiroshi shrieked and hid behind me "Shoot Dame-Tsuna instead nobody would miss him if he died" I quickly moved aside and say with a smile "You must be hungry Reborn-san let's eat then you can tortu-tutor Hiroshi" Reborn placed Leon back to his shoulder and got down from Hiroshi's stomach "Hm fine"

Reborn's POV
Hmph Iemitsu told me that younger twin is nice but Baka-Hiro seems to be really rude. But in other hand older twin Tsunayoshi is nice and accepting the qualifies for the best sky. "Ne Reborn-kun do you know Italian" Tsunayoshi asked while smiling "Yes I do" I simply answered "questo è bello" when I heard Tsunayoshi say something in Italian I was very surprised after all by Iemistsu's description he was supposed to be dame but he shows me otherwise "sì"  I answered while smirking.

Tsuna's POV
I swear to god I was going to laugh my ass off when I saw Reborn's surprised face. "Sì" he actually managed to put away his surprised expression and answer me while Hiroshi stared at us with a confusion and Mom was smiling.

After dinner I helped Mom to wash the dishes and went upstairs. I sat on my desk and turned on the computer. I felt like someone was behind the door, I knew it was Reborn so I said "Ne Reborn-san maybe you should come in don't stand there like a statue" I said while smirking I can imagine his face when I said that after all I was supposed to be 'Dame'. After I said that he quickly opened the door and got in "Hmph not bad Tsunayoshi" he said while his hat covering his face "Oh my please don't be so formal you're family member now right? Call me Tsuna" I said while smiling he just nodded and got out of the room and closed the door behind him.

After he was gone I checked my Email. 'Hmm someone sent me a message' I mumbled while clicking the message.

Dino: Buonasera Cielo!

Cielo: Buonasera Dino. What do you want?

Dino: Tell me who is 10th Vongola boss I'm gonna give you one million

Tsuna shrugged and started typing

Cielo: Deal. His name is Hiroshi Sawada he is 14 years old and he lives in Japan, Namimori. He attends Namimori Highschool. He is known as athletic and good at academics. And one more thing, he also has a twin and he is known as 'Dame'. Make sure that money will be in my bank account.

Dino: thank you Cielo!

Cielo: you're welcome but one more thing. Don't get fooled by act, because everyone has a mask and they have reasons to hide behind that mask.

Tsuna grinned after sending that message. He slowly turned off computer it was 1am. "I should seriously start sleeping early" he thought while rubbing his eyes and collapsing on bed.
Thank you for reading everybody! I hope you like it and please review :)

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