Chapter 8

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Hello! It's been a while, sorry for updating late. I've been busy with studying and all, well my cat died too so I'm very stressed, thank you for understanding. Now let's get going

*Tsuna's POV*
My hyper intuition has been acting up since I woke up and I feel like something intriguing will happen today. I guess we'll see. Now I have to get ready for school. Before I could grab my school uniform a knock came from the door. I paused and looked towards the door "Tsu-kun it's me, I'd like to talk about something" it was my mom. I thought for a second and said "come it Kaa-san". After that she came in and closed the door behind her "Tsu-kun, I love both you and your brother very much but no matter how much I love you both, I have to say that you're more fit to be the Decimo. Have you considered, maybe trying to take away that position from your brother? I feel bad saying this but I know that if your brother becomes the Decimo Vongola will be doomed. I'm sure Giotto has said the same thing." She looked serious. I looked into her eyes as I sighed "Well that idea, you and Giotto-san share and don't worry Kaa-san I'm already starting to act according to the plan. Don't worry I'm thinking of dropping the mask" I said looking up to her, she breathed a sigh of relief and nodded then got out of my room.

After she left I silently changed into my school uniform and headed down the stairs. When I walked towards the kitchen mom had already made some pancakes. After eating I took my bag and started putting on my shoes. Hearing a bam from upstairs I knew it was my cue to leave so I quickly left the house. Outside was Gokudera waiting. "Good morning Tenth!" He exclaimed excitedly, I smiled "Good morning Gokudera-kun, why didn't you come inside?" I asked him frowning. I mean he was my first guardian and he is a great friend "I didn't want to intrude Tenth" I shook my head and said "Nonsense Gokudera-kun, you could never be intruding kaa-san would be happy to see you. Now let's go to school" I smiled at him as we started walking.

*at school*

Arriving at the gates of the school I saw hibari near them. I smiled and walked towards him with Gokudera-kun beside me. "Morning Kyoya!" I exclaimed happily as he looked at me "Good morning" he nodded. I stood in front of him. "Ne guys, I wanted to talk about something. How about we meet up on the roof at lunch time?" I eyed them both as Gokudera-kun looked at me confused and Hibari smirked "Okay Jyuudaime!" Gokudera yelled excitedly I smiled and looked at Hibari "Hn". Satisfied with that me and Gokudera-kun went inside the school and headed to our classroom.

*At lunch*
"Read the 25th paragraph and write down the exercises" the teacher said as the bell rang. I sighed and stood up "Finally" mumbling out I turned to look towards Gokudera-kun "Jyuudaime it's lunch time, do you want to head upstairs now?" He asked me smiling. I took out two bento boxes and smiled back "Sure Gokudera-kun. Here this is yours kaa-san said this is your bento" I handed him one of the boxes "Please thank your mother for me Jyuudaime!" He cried out "Hey Gokudera-kun, how about you come over to my home after school?" I asked him as we started heading towards the rooftop. We were chatting as we heard something interesting "Holy shit!! Yamamoto is gonna jump off the roof!!" Somebody yelled out as everybody ran to look outside the window. I sighed and started running "I'll be back Gokudera-san, you can stay here" I said out loud running up the stairs.  I arrived at the rooftop and slammed the door open. I could hear all the "Come down""don't joke around"s and etc. Yamamoto stepped closer as he yelled out "I'm useless without my arm. I can't play Baseball, I have nothing else but baseball it's my life. I have no reason to be alive, not being able to play baseball. I can't do it!" I looked at him as I stepped closer "Yamamoto don't" he suddenly turned back. I could tell he was in pain by the look in his eyes "I don't need your pity, How are you even alive with all the bullying. How do you do it, I could never do it. I have no other reason to live being dame wouldn't be for me. The thoughts would eat me inside. Stop giving me pity I don't need it from anybody, I'm just a nobody without this. I have no real friends, nobody would even bother to talk to me if I didn't have this." as he was talking I was stepping closer and closer "and that's it? Just because of this? You're nobody without baseball? Are you serious? What about your dad? What about your friends? Would you dad or even your mom want this? I don't think so. You are the same person with and without baseball. Your arm will heal but you know what won't heal? If you jump off of that roof your father will fall apart he'll be asking himself what he did wrong. What he couldn't notice. Yamamoto Takeshi I know wouldn't give up, not this easily." I looked up at him as my eyes flashed golden orange. His eyes widened at my words as tears came down his eyes "I-" as he tried to get away from the edge he tripped and fell "fuck" I breathed out as I ran to help him. Thank god he had held the edge of the building and was dangling down "give me your hand!" I yelled as he looked up. He stared into my eyes as he gripped my hand. I started to drag him up as my eyes still flashed; golden orange. I felt a tuck behind me as I looked back Gonudera-kun was helping me to drag him. After we made sure that he was up on the building we sighed a big sigh of relief. "What the heck you idiot! How dare you worry Jyuudaime so much huh?" Gokudera-kun yelled at him angrily as Yamamoto-kun just stared at us weirdly "I-I'm sorry and thank you Tsuna" Yamamoto looked down as if he was ashamed "Don't be sorry. Just please talk it out with your dad, see you later Yamamoto-kun. Don't do such a thing ever again and don't tell anybody I saved you okay?" i smiled at him one last time as I turned back and went downstairs before anybody could see me. When we got away from the roof Hibari appeared "Hn, thought you'd be dropping the act already?" He huffed "I will be but gradually not so spontaneously, you know can't give my twin a heart attack" I smirked "Ne Gokudera-kun you probably guessed I'd be dropping the act already right?" I turned my head to him as his face was serious "Of course, I knew it you'd decide to do it sooner or later. Good that it wasn't later". "Okay then guys, so would you give me the honor of having you as my guardians?" They both looked at me surprised but nodded "Of course Jyuudaime!" "Hn" I smiled and gave them the rings that Primo gave me. They weren't the current Vongola rings, no- they were much better. They were the first generations special rings. "Wait for me Vongola" I whispered as I started walking towards the class with Gokudera-kun.

GOSH I FINALLY UPDATED!! Sorry for being late again-.- anyways as you can see I changed my username which used to be @jade-melody but yea! Enjoy guys and see you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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