Chapter 7

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SO I'M BACK!!!! Sorry for making you all wait (for almost 2 damn years) BUT PLEASE ENJOY And once again thank you for reading this I'm very honored™️. And I will try to make this chapter at least 1200 words >:)

*Tsuna's POV*
After Dino-san left I was pretty sure Reborn was watching me more than he did earlier. I guess if he catches me I'm screwed not like he will be able to though. Ughh I'm so tired I even did my homework but I have to meet up with Nono. "I am going to die if I continue sleeping so late it's unhealthy" I mumbled as I put on my mask. I slowly walk towards my window and open it. "Let's get this over with" I said jumping out of window and landing on the grass outside of my house, as I opened the gates to the garden I tried to be as silent as possible because of some certain party popper.

*at the park*
I yawned as I walked towards the tall figures I saw in the distance. "Hello Nono"" I smirked under my mask. Nono looked up smiled but then he smiled "Hello Cielo, it's very nice to meet you finally. We are glad you came and agreed to help us." I smiled at Nono but as I slowly darted my gaze towards the person standing next to him my expression turned sour. "And you must be the leader of CEDEF" I said silently while looking at the tall blonde man "such a shame you chose a glutton as the successor of Vongola." I looked at Iemitsu with a glare, which he returned with a confused look "what are you talking about, my son is one of the kindest, smartest and strongest people I've known" not being able to hold myself I laughed at those absurd words.
"What the heck are you laughing at, you brat!" Oops seems like I angered the precious CEDEF leader. "The fact that you last saw him 7 years ago just makes everything funnier. Do you even remember the name of your older son? Or are you tha-" "Of course I remember his name!!" Iemitsu fought back with his words as I smirked. "Yes, sure you do. Now, back to the business. Nono it's also very nice seeing you. I must say Vongola's security system isn't the best. Even easier when a top assassin and hacker is the one messing it up." I said with a little bit of concern in my voice. Nono looked at me for couple of seconds as if he was thinking of what to say "Thank you for making us aware of that, Cielo. What you did was an immense help. We couldn't have fixed the glitches without you. I would like to say this once again only face to face, Cielo 27, the greatest hacker and assassin would you accept Vongola's alliance" he said holding out his hand, I looked into his eyes and smiled "of course, Nono, I wouldn't be here if I didn't accept such an opportunity " as I took his hand and shook it "Thank you Cielo, you seem to know who the next Vongola Decimo is. I would like you to train him." Nono looked at me with a serious expression "I apologize Nono but that, I cannot do. The only thing I can do though is watch after him, report on how everything is going like Reborn does but I'm sure Reborn already told you how disappointing it was to see such a character after the description Iemitsu gave about him." I said in a serious tone "What the he-" Iemitsu started yelling but he was cut off by Nono "What do you mean Cielo? Reborn is yet to write me a report he told me he'll do it soon enough" He said with a confused expression "That you made a wrong decision. Till the next time Nono" I said as I walked towards the forest and disappeared into the trees. After getting a little bit away from them I removed the mask and hid it.

While walking in the direction of my house I felt a presence near me. I smiled "Ne Reborn-san, why are you hiding?" I stopped walking and turned back to see Reborn's shocked face, he tried to hide the shock but clearly failed. He soon replaced that shock with a stoic expression as he looked up at me "Where were you Tsunayoshi" he asked me a little bit suspicious "Eh, I was just taking a walk. I couldn't sleep and needed to clear off my head you know" smiling ever so sweetly I answered. He looked at me for a few seconds as if he was contemplating on what to say. After a while he just sighed and said "Okay, I was tired anyways" he jumped on my shoulder.

*Reborn's POV*
I was out to meet Nono and on the way home I saw Tsunayoshi. It was suspicious that he went out at such an hour to say the least, so I started following him. Hiding in the trees or anywhere else I could. He suddenly stopped walking and turned "Ne Reborn-san, why are you hiding?" I almost could see his honey brown eyes turn orange. Trying to hide my shock I stood there. After a few seconds of standing I finally broke the silence "Where were you Tsunayoshi?" I said sounding suspicious while jumping back on the pavement. "Eh, I was just taking a walk. I couldn't sleep and needed to clear off my head." He said with a smile. 'just who the hell are you, Sawada Tsunayoshi. You're not the dame Iemitsu described. So who are you' I stood there for a few seconds thinking "Okay, I was tired anyways" I said and jumped up onto his shoulder.
*Tsuna's POV*
*at home*
When we got home home it was pretty late. I slowly opened the door stepping in. Reborn jumped off my shoulder. "Good night Tsunayoshi" he said walking off to upstairs. I slowly closed the door and locked it and sighed. "That was close" I nervously laughed and started walking up the stairs. Entering my room I closed the door and locked it. "Well I guess I'll sleep" I turned off the lights, changed into pajamas and climbed into the bed.

*in the morning*
I woke up to an alarm sound and looked at the time. It read 5:30. "Ugh an hour and a half more" I got up and sat on my bed "Tsu-kun!! It's been a while " I heard a voice behind me. 'Ah once again, Giotto' I thought to myself and smiled "Hey Gio-nii, it sure has been. Why haven't you been appearing recently?" I asked standing up and turning towards him "Well Alaude and Daemon have been causing trouble but I still watched over you so I know what is going on" he smiled back but then it was changed into a serious expression as he spoke "so you're planning on dropping the act already, huh?" He said sounding a little bit worried "Yes, and it sure will be a shock to everybody. Also don't sound so worried I'm the best assassin after all. And I already have my Storm and Cloud guardians. Exact copies of Alaude-nii and G-nii. I'll tell Hayato soon enough and Kyoya already knows." He just nodded and said "I trust your decision Decimo, but be careful" he looked into my eyes and I smiled "I will be. Let the game begin"

OH BOY, actually fulfilled the promise of 1200 words!!! Hope you guys enjoy :') see you on the next update!

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