Too Busy Sucking Face To Even Notice

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"You know, I'm starting to get a complex here," I stated, digging a fork into a slice of pumpkin pie.

Vanessa was finally back in town for winter break and after picking her up from the train station, we were seated beneath the dim glow of the neon lights at the diner. "I can understand you ignoring me with being off at college and all but Matthew? I tell you, V, that boy has been neglecting me hard." Shaking my head, I dipped my finger into the whipped cream and licked it off my finger. "He was supposed to be your replacement seeing as how you two are practically the same person but now he's gone off into the black abyss as well."

Vanessa laughed, stabbing at a piece of apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream. "Because you are you, I know you're going to take it personally but don't take it personally? He's swamped with work right now. Even I've barely spoken to him. That's just how the holidays are."

"Speaking of, look what the cat dragged in," I replied, nodding in the direction of the door behind her. Matt had just entered the restaurant, dark circles beneath his eyes and a hobble to his step. "Yoo-hoo, over here!" I called, waving him over.

Grimacing, he slid into the vacant spot beside his girlfriend. "God, if that isn't a flashback to the first day of high school when you forced me to sit with you at lunch." He glanced over at Vanessa, a slow grin replacing the lines of exhaustion that tugged at his mouth. "Hey, stranger."

She leaned in to give him a peck on the lips but before she could pull away, he slid one hand around her back, nudging her closer. "More," he murmured. "Work was hectic, and I could use some kisses. And perhaps, a massage too." She returned to deepen the lip-lock and before I knew it, I was witnessing a full-blown make-out session ensue right before my very eyes.

"Can you guys save that for when you're alone?" I asked but they didn't listen. A soft moan escaped Matt's mouth as Vanessa began sucking on his neck and I nearly vomited right onto my pumpkin pie. "No, no, please, no." I muttered, covering my ears. "Make it stop." That was a sound I could have happily gone my entire life without ever hearing.

Thoroughly grossed out, I sneered at the two of them. "Ew, can you guys not swap spit when I'm sitting right here?" I eyed my best friend. "You know, for someone who's so skittish about discussing her sex life, you sure have no problem allowing me to witness you sticking your tongue down his throat," I mumbled.

"Addison," Vanessa chided, pulling away with a flush creeping onto her cheeks.

"It's the truth." I gestured at them. "If I had given it another minute, I'm sure I would have received front row seats to the main event."

Matt flicked her ponytail, snatching her attention away from me. She gazed up adoringly into his eyes as she reached over to pinch his cheeks. "Sorry, but I just miss this cute whittle face."

He beamed at her. "And I just can't resist this cute whittle nose," he replied in a baby voice, plucking at it.

"Oh my god! Stop that right now!" I grabbed his wrist away from her facial features, gaping at him with a horrified expression plastered across my face. "I'm going to have to complete a year of therapy to undo the damage caused by hearing you talk like that."

They both laughed but I was nowhere near amused. Vanessa grabbed at his cheeks again while he playfully batted her away. "Don't be so dramatic, Addie," she cooed. "We're in love. I bet when you get a boyfriend that you're crazy about, you'll be doing the same exact things."

I gasped at her audacity to even dare suggest that I would ever willingly embarrass myself over a man in that manner. "I most certainly will not!" I exclaimed. "Now listen, I'm happy for you, yadda yadda yadda but can you two be in love in private because I'm trying to eat pie here and I'm losing my appetite."

Matt grinned at me, flicking a crumpled-up napkin at my head. "Just you wait, Addie," he began, his dimple deepening and a sparkle in his eye. "When you find that person that makes you feel complete, you too will start doing things you never thought in a million years you would do. Love changes you."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please. I doubt I would ever change anything about myself for another person. I'm awesome as is."

Vanessa nodded as she fused her body against him as though they were conjoined twins. "You say that now but that's only because you've never been in love before." She wagged her finger at me like it were a loaded gun that I was being threatened with. "You'll see."

Slumping down in my seat, I folded my arms across my chest. "You two are out of your minds. No way, no how. Absolutely not going to happen."

But what if it did? This is the thought that swirled around in my mind as I grabbed a bowling bowl and lined up my aim. How would I act when I finally found a man that had me so smitten that it knocked all common sense out of my head?

I gave a glance over my shoulder at my two best friends, still glued to each other's lips. Same thing. Different location. Would I be as disgusting as that? Grimacing, I resumed my focus on hitting down all ten pins. Instead, the ball teetered off to the left side of the lane before resting in the gutter, despite my urgent pleas for it to remain in the middle.

I made another attempt, but it was the same thing, different location. Right side this time. "Come on," I grumbled. "This so isn't fair. Vanessa, it's your turn." Pivoting, my gaze fell on her still wrapped up in Matt's embrace. I shrugged. "Alright, fine. I guess I'll go again."

I tossed the ball once more and to my surprise, it smoothly glided down the lane before knocking down all ten pins in one clean sweep. "Hell yes!" I shouted, pumping my fist in the air. "That's what I'm talking about, baby." I whirled around to face my friends. "Did you guys see that-"

Of course, they didn't. They're too busy sucking face to even notice me or anything that I do.

My cheeks growing warm, and my hands curled into fists, I marched over to the rack and picked up another ball. My gaze flickered to the screen that displayed our scores. Matt's name flashed, signaling that he was up. Deliberately chucking the ball into the gutter not one, but two times, I twisted my lips into a sneer of satisfaction. "Oops."

Then storming up to our table where Vanessa was practically straddling him, I yanked my jacket out from beneath them and haughtily shrugged it on. It was no surprise when they didn't even glance up as I stomped towards the exit in a huff.

The frigid air slammed into me, immediately stealing the breath from my lungs the moment I stepped out onto the icy pavement. I had scarcely made it past the sidewalk when a shadowy figure leapt out in front of me, causing me to shriek and drop my cell phone.

"Hey, sugar," a slimy voice oozed. "Did you miss me?"

As the short man came into focus, I realized that I had just been spooked by the least intimidating human to ever exist, Alex Banks. "Oh. It's you," I replied, dryly, breezing past him towards my Jeep. "Don't you have some tour to be on or something?"

"You're jealous."

I glanced over at him, stilling as I reached for the door handle. "Excuse me? I couldn't care less about your sad little music career."

He shook his head. "Not that." He nodded towards the bowling alley where my two friends were still intertwined and probably hadn't even noticed that I had left. "Of them. I was watching you."

"That's creepy," I muttered, hopping up into the vehicle. I ran my hands over the diamond encrusted steering wheel. "Look, Alex-"

"'Lex B."

"'Lex B, whatever. I don't have time for this." I reached over to close the door, but he thrusted his hand into the opening.

"I can help you split them up. You know Vanessa has always been my hoe. Matt doesn't deserve that foxy lady."

I stared at him, my mouth agape. "No way. I'm not going to sabotage their relationship. They're happy." My sights shifted ahead of me, a single car zooming across the desolate stretch of road. Isn't this what I've always wanted for my two best friends? I'm being selfish for wishing that their attention still revolved around me.

I shook my head. "No. I won't allow you to do that." He exhaled loudly and I made a face of disgust as his stinky breath shrouded me in toxic fumes. "And buy some toothpaste for God's sake," I added, slamming the door. "You had a hit song. You should be able to afford it."

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