Does The Way I Touch You Turn You On?

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"Happy Valentine's Day, baby!"

Vanessa let out a small laugh from the other end of the phone. "Same to you, Matt."

I burrowed beneath the covers as I settled in to talk to my girlfriend. It was snowing and freezing outside and all I wanted to do was cozy up with her.

"So, I was actually given the day off from work this year. Mainly because I made certain to request it months in advance. What do you say I come up to the city this afternoon and sweep you away to a romantic restaurant for dinner?"

She hesitated before answering. "That's very sweet of you, Matt, but I have a major essay due next week and I've barely even started writing it. Plus, I know what a long drive it is for you and how much you hate the city. And then the snow..."

She laughed. "You're saved from being forced into celebrating the holiday with me this year. Why don't you use the free time to enjoy a riveting book?"

"I wanted to use my spare time to be with you," I protested, disappointment welling up inside of me. "I feel as though we haven't been able to connect in months. I miss you a ton. Can't you sneak away from your assignment for a few hours? Hell, I'll even help you write it."

She sighed. "I really can't do that, Matt. I'm sorry. We can celebrate some other day. Maybe, I'll come down and visit you next month. Spring break isn't that far off either."

Staring up at the ceiling, I wondered what happened to the Vanessa who leapt at the chance to see me or escape from New York.

"Are you still pissed off at me for refusing to cut out Addison from my life?" I asked, assuming that was the reason for her distance.

"Of course not. I'm swamped with homework and assignments. That's it. I'll call you later."

"Alright. I love y-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before she hung up.

I stared down at my phone, her name flashing on the screen before disappearing. This is utter bullshit. I've been nothing but a loving boyfriend towards her but now she's freezing me out because I stood up to a demand that I didn't agree with?

It isn't right.

In a snap, I made the decision that I would drive up and visit her anyway. It was Valentine's Day, she was girlfriend and we needed to communicate if there was something bothering her.

And nearly four hours later after a lot of cussing and way too many cars traveling well below the speed limit because of a tiny bit of snow, I arrived in Manhattan.

With flurries coating my hair and jacket, I pounded on the door to her dorm room. My knock was a bit more aggressive than necessary, but I had plenty of time to stew over her treatment of me and it was better to take out my anger on an inanimate object than instantly fire up a shouting match with my girlfriend.

But it was her roommate who answered with an expression of surprise. "Matt, hi," she greeted, pushing her glasses up on her nose as she darted her gaze away from me. "Vanessa's not here but I'll let her know you came by-"

I arched my brow. Well, isn't this curious?

I wasn't sure where Vanessa was but I sure as fuck was going to find out.

"That's alright," I stated, squeezing past her inside the room. I plopped down on Vanessa's twin bed, propping my feet up and feigning interest in an accounting textbook. "I'll wait here until she comes back."

She bit her lip as she fiddled with the drawstring on her sweatpants. "Um...I'm not sure how long she's going to be gone for."

I gave her a long stare. The girl seemed so on edge that if she were somehow covering for Vanessa's absence, I figured she would be easy enough to crack.

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