How Was I Unlucky Enough To Meet You?

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I collapsed into bed that evening, relieved to have my first day of classes behind me. Quinn's side of the room was shrouded in darkness, and I was grateful to have some time alone to myself. The last thing I needed was for her to ask me a dozen incessant questions about how my studies had gone. Horrible.

Glancing over at the photo of me and Matt on the bedside table, I picked it up and gingerly ran my fingers across the glass. God, how I miss that face.

A single tear slid down my cheek as I recalled the series of bad luck that had plagued me earlier and how all I wanted to do was throw myself into his arms as he rubbed my back and murmured words of encouragement into my ear. Picking up my phone, I dialed his number and listened as the other end rang continuously.

Please don't be working.

My heart sank at the sound of his voicemail. "It's Matt. Leave a message except for you, Addison. Yours are always ten minutes long." Beep.

Sighing, I tossed my cell aside. Of course, he wasn't available. Do I really expect anything else on a horrid day such as this one? I snuggled in closer to his leather jacket that I had wrapped around my arms, inhaling his cedarwood scent that still clung to the fabric. It wasn't the same as having him lying there right next to me, but it would have to do.

As my eyes slowly fluttered close, I wondered to myself, Did I make a huge mistake by leaving Connecticut?


Exhaling, I leaned forward and clicked off the TV with the remote before stretching my arms high above my head. Matt glanced up from his textbook and arched an eyebrow at me. "What did you do that for? I was listening to that."

"Matt, I can't concentrate on my homework with the sound of catfights in the background," I complained, referring to his newest reality show obsession. I massaged my temples, feeling a headache coming on. Never mind that I haven't drank any water in the past ten hours. It's absolutely from all this studying. "I need a break. Let's get some fries and video chat with Vanessa. She should be done with classes for the day."

Frowning, he looked at the clock behind us. "Is it six o' clock already? How did I lose track of time?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. You must be turning over a new leaf and taking school seriously now." Pulling myself off the sofa, I sauntered into his kitchen and rummaged through his cabinets. "Where are all your snacks?" I called.

But all thoughts of stuffing my face with sweet or salty goodness was immediately wiped from my brain at the sound Vanessa's voice chirping from the other room. I raced back into the living room and plopped myself onto the cushions beside Matt. "Hey, bestie!" I squealed. "I miss you so much! How's your new posh life in the fancy city?"

Biting her lip, she glanced away with a somber expression on her face. "Truthfully. It's lonely. I wish you both were here."

I grabbed the phone from Matt's hand, not caring about the scowl he shot at me. "You have no idea how much I want you to come back. Matt's nearly not as much fun as you are. I tried brushing his hair the other day and he screamed at me for like ten minutes for messing it up. You would have never."

He wrestled the cell out of my fingers as Vanessa watched in amusement. "That's a gross exaggeration. I did not scream, I scolded mildly. But what do you expect from a drama queen? And in my defense, she ripped out some of my strands with her aggressive combing." He pointed to the back of his head. "I think I have a bald spot now."

"Hmm," I replied, studying his tresses. "I do see what you mean. Your hair is visibly thinning."

His eyes widening, he jumped up to inspect himself in the mirror hanging above the console table. "Fucking hell, Addison. You're banned from ever laying a single finger on me again."

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