The Things That I Want To Do To You, Aren't Exactly Legal

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"I wish that for once in your world full of glitter hearts and candy rainbows that you would actually call me first before just showing up at my house to confirm that I even want you to come over," Matt muttered as I strolled into his living room.

He was stretched out on the sofa, his head propped up in his hand while he watched television, absorbed in one of his dumb reality shows.

I never understood the appeal that type of programming offered to him, but I supposed it brought him a source of comfort to confirm that other people's lives were just as messed up as his own.

"Why?" I asked, hovering over him with my hands planted on my hips. "So, that you can say no every time?"

"Precisely my point," he mumbled, his eyes glued to the flickering television as a woman snatched a blonde wig off a housemate's head during a heated argument. "Despite what you may believe about yourself, not everybody is dying to see your face all the time."

I moved to block his view of the television. "God, you're moodier than usual, Reaper. Did you not get to suck the life out of enough souls today?"

He finally raised his sights at me, and even though his irises were swirling with a darkened storm, I still found myself feeling slightly off-kilter by how beautiful they looked. "Go away, Addison," he spat out.

"Do you even know who I am?" I asked, edging close to the couch. "There's no getting rid of me that easily. Now, are you going to move your feet so I can sit down, or do I have to shove them off myself?"

He ignored the question, refusing to budge his legs. "You know what would have made the perfect Christmas gift for me? You finding yourself a boyfriend so that you can focus all your time and energy on him instead and leaving me alone."

Bending over, I grabbed hold of his feet and yanked them off the cushions. "Jackass," I muttered, making myself comfortable beside him.

"So, what's wrong?" I inquired.

His gaze shifted over towards his phone and lingered on the blackened screen for a moment before focusing back onto the television. "Nothing," he mumbled.

Smiling, I dug around in my purse and produced a notebook with pink Swarovski crystals glued onto the cover. Wordlessly, I handed it over to my friend.

"What's this?" he asked, finally pressing pause on the television show.

I shrugged. "I just thought that since you want to whine about all the travesties that have been bestowed upon you as though you're some teenage girl, then you might as well write it down in a journal instead of being a jerk to me about it."

He made a face at the sparkly notebook before chucking it clear across the room. "Go home, or head somewhere else. I really don't care where, just so long as you aren't here."

"Hey!" I yelled, sprinting over to scoop up my property. "You owe me thirty dollars if you damaged the spine."

Groaning, he pulled himself up into a sitting position. "How about I don't owe you a fucking thing?" he barked. "Since you're the one that barged into my home unannounced when you clearly aren't wanted."

I retreated away, the comment stinging. Matt and I were no strangers when it came to firing shots at one another, but rarely was it ever to be taken seriously.

"Fine," I bit out as I shoved the journal into my purse. "I'll leave since you don't want my company."

He gasped at me in a mocking shock, pressing his palm to his cheek. "So, she does understand."

I shot him an icy glare. "You know, you're being a genuine ass, and I demand to know what has your panties all in a twist."

"You!" he exclaimed, gesturing at me. "You just don't stop. You're an annoying little mosquito in my ear with your incessant badgering."

I rolled my eyes. "Please, don't be cute. I know that you were upset well before I ever showed up." I nodded at his phone. "Something happened that involves that little rectangular device."

Matt dragged his hands down his face, exhaling loudly. "I don't want to talk about it, especially with you."

But if I were Vanessa...he would be pouring his heart out right now. Why do I always get the grumpy and guarded version of Matt?

I plopped down on the couch. "Did you send Vanessa a dick pic and she replied with a laughing face emoji?" I teased, opting for humor since trying to be serious wasn't proving to be effective.

He gave me a murderous glare before nudging me away.

Ok, apparently jokes don't work either.

I smiled at him. "Well, I thought I was being amusing."

"What can I do to make you stop talking?" He ground out. "For real. I want to know what it is that I need to do to get you to zip your mouth shut and not speak every thought that tumbles around in your cotton candy filled brain."

My gaze flicked down to his full lips.

Kiss me.

Perhaps, it would have solved both our problems. He could have silenced me with scorching smooches, and I could have wiped the sulky expression off his face by running my hands though his hair and down his back.

How does he look when he's at the complete mercy of a woman? I wondered, gulping.

"I'm not sure," I replied softly when I had managed to find my voice. "What would you suggest?"

He brought his mouth close to my ear, and my pulse quickened at his proximity. Shivers pricked my skin from his breath tickling my skin. "Oh, trust me, Addison," he replied gruffly. "You don't even want to know. The acts I have in mind aren't exactly legal."

With a grin, he pulled away and raised his eyebrows at me, daring me to speak.

"Wow!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "You are such an asshole. Did no one pay any attention to you today? Do you need a hug?"

His eyes flashed with anger, and I feared I had taken the joke one step too far. "Alright, that's it," he announced, sliding off the couch. He scooped me up in his arms before throwing me over his shoulder.

"Whoa!" I yelled. "Where are you taking me and for what? When I asked if you needed attention, I wasn't implying that I wanted to be whisked off to your bedroom. Shouldn't we discuss this first? I do not consent."

He carried me to the foyer, dropping me to my feet on the front step outside of his house. Then smiling for the first time since I had arrived, he gave me a wave before proceeding to slam the door in my face.

"Hey! I didn't agree to this either! Let me back in, Reaper." I pounded on the door, but he didn't answer. "Wait until I have a chat with your father about this one. Satan will not be happy to hear how rude you are. Or maybe, he will since evil is his thing and all."

"I hate you!" I shouted for good measure before storming down the sidewalk in a huff.

"That man has some nerve," I grumbled as I slid into my Jeep. I threw my purse against the window, despising how fired up he got me.

What the hell are you thinking, Addie? How can you be attracted to someone as infuriating, moody and rude as he is?

Sexiness be damned. That guy has a serious attitude problem. And maybe, a cute butt too, but that's beside the point. Addison Miller does not tolerate such behaviors, and she certainly does not chase any man.

If he doesn't want my company. Fine. I don't want his either.


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