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For the past few days, you hadn't left your room. No one paid a visit and you couldn't blame them. Everyone was dealing with their problems.

You weren't even able to get up unless your bladder was full or you needed something to drink.

But even then that rarely seemed to happen anymore.

The sound of your door sliding open woke you up from your sleep. Light from the hallway crept into your room but was quickly removed as he shut the door behind him.

You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands. He was silent as he walked up to you and you were still processing what was happening.

When he got close enough you had realized it was Suguru.

"What are you doing here?" Your voice was hoarse and dry. You looked over towards the digital clock sitting on your desk, it was the middle of the night.

"I wanted to see you." He said softly.

Suguru had found another way to completely confuse you. For a while, you had noticed how calculated and sluggish he had gotten. That seemed reduced now.

"Is everything okay?" You were starting to fully wake up by now. Suguru didn't respond and it worried you. He sat there looking down at you.

It didn't look like he was going to be answering anything you asked. Suguru reached over and instead of pulling away, you leaned into his touch.

You hadn't seen him for a few days and you were desperately craving his touch.

He must've gotten the hint, his fingers brushed against your skin. You knew if he reached out even just a little more he could feel the warmth that was beginning to spread through your face.

Suguru had grown to be your weakness and if you hadn't known any better you would say he noticed.

Even in the darkness of your room, you could see the outline of his figure. His hair was down sitting on his shoulders.

"Suguru?" You said lowly.

He acknowledged you by humming lowly instead of saying anything.

"Why are you here?" You asked again hoping to get some answer. Suguru's hand fell from your face and you immediately regretted saying anything. If having Suguru meant you couldn't say anything, couldn't question it, then you would.

You wanted to reach out and pull him back but you had to refrain from moving. Worrying if you did you'd scare him off and he'd leave. He was hard to read nowadays and you couldn't blame him. Not after what he went through. You promised him you were going to be there through thick and thin. Right now this was the thick patch, the storm before the calm.

You were never going to give up on Suguru.

Folding your hands you stared down at your lap. It was hard to imagine that he knew the power he had over you without trying.

There had been times when you'd assume he did, he had to have noticed. Suguru was the closest you had ever been to someone before.

You spent almost every waking moment with him. Whether it was missions or just around Jujustu Tech.

Satoru had noticed and you were sure of that.

Somewhere along the way you had fallen in love with Suguru and to make it worse Suguru loved you back. But neither of you could admit it. Why would you admit to something like that if you had all the time in the world?

Satoru had grown painfully aware of it before either you or Suguru did. He noticed it one day, when you looked over at Suguru you had the same look in your eyes that he did.

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