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Unlike Shoko or Satoru you lacked reverse cursed technique and while Shoko could potentially heal you, there were conditions. From whether you wanted to be saved, and it didn't work through a simple yes or no response.

You had to truly believe you wanted to be saved, otherwise your body wouldn't accept it. The second condition was the severity and how long you were suffering.

If your arm was severed you couldn't show up a day later expecting to fully reverse the damage that was done.

This meant going from a pack of cigarettes a day to three a week was a big milestone. You didn't want to undermine it but your habits hadn't been that bad since before Satoru had become your roommate.

Still, it was a big deal. You needed your lungs even if your job no longer consisted of running and fighting.

You walked past a convenience store but before you could cross the street you stopped.

It was just too easy to buy cigarettes. You stood there in the middle of the sidewalk blocking the path. People pushed around you not afraid of expressing how annoyed they were at you for stopping in the way.

None of it mattered as you stared up at the sign and before you knew it your body moved. You walked into the convenience store where behind the counter an entire wall of different kinds was on display.

"Welcome!" The man greeted you from behind your counter. You ignored him not intentionally but too lost in your thoughts to realize him.

It didn't matter which special flavors or brands they sold here. You smoked only a specific brand and kind. Seven Stars. They were packaged in a white box with black lettering. The taste of the nicotine wasn't as bitter as most brands.

You weren't a fan of the flavored ones. Whether it was mint or berry.

Instead of immediately going to the counter you walked to the back towards the fridge for a drink. An excuse you had come up with to justify subconsciously walking inside.

You browsed the section finding nothing that spiked your interest. Standing in the center of the aisle you turned your head to the right looking past the man at the counter.

Your eyes met them and just as before your body was involuntarily moving towards the counter.

"What can I help you with?" He smiled kindly. You were quick to point towards the brand you smoked. He reached up grabbing the pack of cigarettes off the shelf.

Placing them onto the counter you went to fish in your pockets for money.

With awful timing, your phone rang. You gave the clerk an apologetic smile as you backed away. The excessive noise from your ringtone forced you to walk out of the shop.

Pulling the phone from your pocket you were shocked to see it was Shoko. You were worried that something must've happened.

Bringing the phone up to your ear you were prepared for the worst.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I haven't figured that one out yet." You had an original plan to knock out a few errands. That lost its purpose the moment you began walking through the city aimlessly.

"Use that time to bring me food. Something spicy and greasy." Shoko didn't wait for a response. Immediately after her demand, she hung up the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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