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The moment the word monkey had left his mouth you were dumbfounded. You stared at him truly not believing what you had just heard.

"Is that why you wanted to talk?" You felt foolish for even showing up. Especially after you were exhausted from an earlier mission.

The only thing that you could try to reason with was that Suguru only wanted to speak to you just to bring you to his side.

He needed more people to support his cause and why not try to get you? Suguru knew after all this time you must've still cared about him.

You did and that was the very reason you showed up. After spending a day fiddling with the idea, trying to sort out the pros and cons, all of it was pointless.

There were no pros in meeting Suguru. All you were doing was reopening old wounds.

"Don't be surprised."

"You should be, of all people should know I wouldn't condemn all of humanity for something so petty." You spat venomously. Suguru looked taken aback by what you had said. He knew you were going to need convincing but he couldn't shake you.

"Petty? Do you think the suffering and thankless job you work is worth more? I can see right through you. It's draining you." He was right for once. You were exhausted, anyone could see it. But he had no right to comment on that.

"You don't know me anymore to make that assumption." You didn't want him to use it against you so instead you denied it.

"I used to." He hummed.

"Yeah, used to. It's been a few years, people change." You weren't the only one who changed.

You had become stubborn and slightly rough on the edges but that was it. Suguru could still tell by the look in your eyes that you cared. You still cared just as deeply as you did when he knew you.

"You know, I think you're so quick to bite back because you're afraid of giving my words time to digest." He leaned forward invading your space. You slowly backed away not feeling comfortable with him being so close.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're so defensive, so quick to disagree with me when we both know you're not happy." He stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I might not be happy but I'm fine with where I'm at." Just like he explained you were quick to respond defending yourself against his accusation.

"Are you really? How can you be fine when you're being used like a puppet?"

You were going to argue back, disagree with him but he stopped you.

"Don't act like I don't know. They always took a special liking to you." Suguru didn't bother to wait for you to formulate your response before going off on another tangent.

"You're easy to push around, you know nothing about any of this because you refused to learn and what more did you have to lose?"

What more you had to lose? You knew he was referring to your parents abandoning you.

Instead of responding you just stared at him. Looking dead ahead of you with nothing to add.

He might've been right before but not now.

Had you left when Suguru did then maybe he was right. You had no one else but Shoko and even then she was rarely around.

The only person you truly had was him and that should've been enough to follow him. But Suguru never set it up for that to happen.

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