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Living with Satoru was as you expected. He was a
little obnoxious and used up all the hot water until you scolded him.

Quickly he learned in fear of making you angry and kicking him out back to his place.

After a few tries of him trying to convince you to move to a different place where he could help you live beyond your needs, you declined.

He eventually learned again. Satoru couldn't convince you to move especially with his money.

If you couldn't afford it on your own, it wouldn't happen. The only thing you were open to is for him to pick up his slack.

Satoru began cleaning up, even cooking, and paying a portion of the rent.

You only allowed him to pay a little less than half, wanting to be fair considering he did buy the groceries for the most part.

There were moments when you even wondered why you gave in to his idea of letting him move in.

He was insistent and sworn it would be easier if he were closer

All of that was a lie. Satoru was just sick of being alone.

While Truthfully your routine didn't exactly make you proud. Having him around guaranteed change, your days wouldn't be repeated anymore.

With that, it didn't mean you had given up self-isolating at times or the occasional cigarette.

In the moments when he was gone for the week on a mission, you hated to admit you missed him just a bit. It felt nice to not always be alone even if your roommate was Satoru.

"I'll be back, dont wait on me for dinner." You were at the door slipping on your shoes.

"Where you headed?" He peaked his out from the kitchen.

You looked up noticing he already had his apron on, the one he bought not too long ago against your better judgment.

"You're still wearing that?" You pointed up at his apron.

Satoru ran his hands across the apron smoothing it out and now you could read it. "Kiss the cook," Was on the center of the apron accompanied by kiss marks all across it.

"I like it." He frowned.

"If it makes you happy." You shrugged, mostly just messing with it because of how serious he took cooking.

When Satoru cooked dinner you knew better than to get in his way. Everything was measured by the gram before he mixed it in. You admired how seriously he took it.

"I got called in, something they want to discuss with me." You answered his question that he had forgotten about.

Satoru looked up from his apron back at you. The frown on his face worsened. It had been a peaceful couple of weeks but he should've known better.

"Stay safe." He watched as you got back up, jacket in one hand and keys in another.

"Will do, see you later." With that, you left the apartment heading back to the very place you had left behind. You knew you were going to be tied to it forever but that didn't make you feel better each time you were forced back.

"I'm sure you are aware of the ongoing issue with Suguru Geto. We hate to ask this of you but we're desperate." A voice explained. You wanted to roll your eyes, but you knew better. They could just lie to your face and get away with it.

You inhaled sharply knowing what they were going to ask of you.

"We need you to execute Suguru Geto." Another one spoke up this time.

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