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The summer had ended, two long months of training and trying your best to catch up to your friends. You were exhausted and the new school year hadn't even begun yet.

"I missed you!" Shoko nearly toppled you over as she ran into you.

She pulled you into a tight hug knocking the air out of your lungs. "It's been two months Shoko," You returned the hug as tightly as you could.

"Two months too long." She pulled away allowing you to take in a deep breath.

"It got a little lonely around here without you." You admitted and she nearly pulled you back into a hug but you stopped her.

Shoko wasn't nearly as affectionate regularly but the summer was cruel to her. She had no friends back home so she was forced to stay indoors speaking to the walls of her childhood home.

In perfect timing the boys showed up and while you expected them to stand by they didn't. Satoru was the first to pull everyone into a tight group hug. With you being forced into the center with Shoko while Satoru and Suguru wrapped their arms around.

A summer apart seemed longer for them than it did you. Your mind was too preoccupied with training to notice how slow the time was ticking by.

Now that you were all reunited again you suddenly realized how badly you missed them. In the few months you had known them they were a huge part of your life now. They will continue to be for your youth.

You didn't have a family to go to back home but at least you had one here at school.

You smiled as you felt Satoru jump up forcing the group to bump into each other. Shoko groaned as she tried to shove him off.

When they pulled away you straightened your clothes back out.

"Yaga wanted us to meet him in his class when we all got here." You remembered the very important piece of information he wanted you to pass along.

That was another thing about staying during the summer. The only one around was Yaga.

"I thought school didn't start until next week?" Shoko was confused and this was the part where you explained why you were being summoned.

"We have students coming in and Yaga wants us to introduce them." You announced.

Shoko didn't like that idea at all while Satoru seemed to like it a little too much. Suguru knew already from his friend's enthusiasm that this was a bad idea.

"I bet he's just too lazy to give them a tour." Satoru rolled his eyes.

"He's the only staff here, I think he's had enough." Suguru shrugged his shoulders and Shoko hummed in agreement.

The four of you walked across the campus to Yaga's class.

"Did you miss us?" Satoru sang as he went over to his usual seat. Yaga took in a deep breath before releasing it slowly.

"I did." He admitted with a soft smile.

"I didn't know you were a softie!" Shoko teased. Yaga sighed knowing that displaying even a moment of vulnerability was a bad idea. He knew you all meant well but he was never ready to deal with obnoxious teenagers every single day.

"I need you all to be on your best behavior." Yaga directed his conversation mostly towards Satoru. He pouted as he pretended to be wounded by Yaga's words.

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