~ Cutter ~

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Well, even though I didn't push her as hard as I wanted to, I still felt pretty good at having improved so much in such a short amount of time.

No wonder those PMF Operators were such a pain for me to fight in the past. The stuff they use to train is crazy.

It made me wonder just how powerful I'd be if I had started off with these guys instead of becoming a homeless bandit.

...Fuck, man. If I'd have joined them the moment my parents kicked me out things would've been a hell of a lot easier for me.

Heh. Not nearly as fun, though. And besides, I might never have met Cerulean!

All of a sudden I heard an explosion. Both Cerulean and Malachite were surprised by that sound as well, so I assume it wasn't normal.

They both immediately started running in the direction the sound came from, and I followed along out of curiosity.

Cutter: "What was that?"

Cerulean: "Dunno. Sounded like it was outside."

Cutter: "In the hangar bay? I thought Geo was pretty safe."

Cerulean: "...At this point? Who even knows anymore."

Once we got outside The Excalibur and into the hangar bay we saw that an explosion did indeed happen out there.

There were some hangar bay staff lying on the ground, injured.

It seems like they triggered the hornet's nest, as PMF Operators were swarming the area to help out.

...That had to be an accident, right? No one would be dumb enough to attack the PMF directly. Not even I'm that reckless.

I ran over to the site of the explosion and had a look around while everyone else was focused on helping the wounded.

Cutter: "Let's see if I can find anything~."

The explosion seemed to have made a serious hole in the hangar bay. I could straight up walk onto the service catwalks that were hidden behind the walls.

I decided to walk down the catwalks and see if I could find anyone.

After about a minute of running down the catwalks, I ran into someone. I think they were male? But they were super feminine looking.

They immediately pointed their submachine gun at me while I pointed my pistol at them.

Cutter: "Who the hell are you?"

???: "I could ask you the same thing."

Cutter: "Cutter, PMF Operator."

???: "Oh. That's why I thought you were hostile. You're that crazy Wolf everyone has been talking about."

Cutter: "You're a PMF Operator?"

Cipher: "Cipher. You should have been able to tell I was an Operator by my badge."

Cipher: "Also, you should wear yours if you want to be recognized more easily."

Cutter: "What if I don't want to be recognized as a PMF Operator~?"

They sighed.

Cipher: "Whatever. Did you see or hear anyone running around other than me?"

Cutter: "Afraid not. I was looking for the source of the explosion."

Cipher: "My Sister and I were chasing down some suspicious individuals. She grabbed one but the other got away. I was chasing them down."

Cutter: "Where's your Sister? I can find the other one if I can get their scent."

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