~ Zoe, Codename: Cerulean ~

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After waking up in the morning, I decided to go catch up with everyone that I didn't get to yesterday.

I called Garm first and asked what he was doing, and he said that he was going to go check up on what happened to Dullahan.

All of The Excalibur's operations regarding void monsters happen inside the Esoterics Wing, which I've never been to before.

It's a pretty unnerving place, from what I've heard, so I decided to meet up with Garm outside so that he could accompany me inside, just in case.

Once I arrived, I saw that there were no windows leading inside, only doors. That's unusual.

I approached Garm and said hi.

Cerulean: "Good morning."

Garm: "Morning. How are you feeling?"

Cerulean: "Fine, considering the injuries."

Garm: "Heh, same here. Guess we're both pretty tough."

Cerulean: "Well, that is expected for an Elite Operator."

Garm: "Indeed."

Garm: "Anyway, I've only been in the Esoterics Wing a few times before, so I won't say I'm an expert or anything, but the lobby has a rundown on what you need to do to stay safe."

Garm: "Ready?"

Cerulean: "...As I'll ever be, I guess."

Garm used his badge to open the door, and then we both headed inside.

There were signs everywhere inside the lobby, as well as a staff member watching.

Garm had me read the signs to catch me up to speed.

'You are currently inside the ESOTERICS WING. If you DO NOT need to be here, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. This place is not for excursions, nor for play. If you DO need to be here, take everything you see and hear seriously, and do not break any rules. The severity of penalties for infractions committed within this facility are amplified drastically. For the sake of both your job, and the work of those within this facility, FOLLOW THE RULES AT ALL TIMES.'

...That sure is quite the warning.

I then continued on to the signs that stated the rules.

'Inside this facility your mind will be subjected to forces beyond anyone or anything's control. In order to avoid incident, follow the rules AT ALL TIMES.'

'ONE: ALWAYS read the signs. No matter how many times you have been through this facility, DO NOT skip required signage. YOUR LIFE depends on following these rules.'

'TWO: NEVER stop in your tracks UNLESS you are reading a sign. Continuously walk towards your destination, and only ever stop to read signage. If you stop unexpectedly, you WILL be escorted out of this facility and questioned.'

'THREE: EVERY LOCATION within this facility is color-coded, and these colors NEVER repeat. If you see a colored location more than once, you are NOT experiencing deja vu. IMMEDIATELY alert the nearest staff member.'

'FOUR': EVERY ROOM within this facility is a SQUARE. If a room within this facility DOES NOT look like a square to you, IMMEDIATELY alert the nearest staff member.'

'FIVE': If you SEE something that you DO NOT understand, IMMEDIATELY alert the nearest staff member.'

'SIX: If you HEAR something that DOES NOT make sense to you, IMMEDIATELY alert the nearest staff member.'

'SEVEN: If you FEEL an unexplained emotion or sensation at ANY POINT, whether it be positive OR negative, IMMEDIATELY alert the nearest staff member.'

'EIGHT: If you EVER hear or feel the phrase 'The sun' appear in your mind, or see the phrase 'The sun' with your eyes, IMMEDIATELY scream at the top of your lungs. If this happens to you, YOU ARE IN MORTAL DANGER, and YOU NEED TO LEAVE THIS FACILITY IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT HESITATE FOR EVEN AN INSTANT. DO NOT resist staff members. DO NOT make any sound with your mouth other than screams. DO NOT act on ANY urges. DO NOT think about ANYTHING other than screaming.'

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