~ Cutter ~

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I smiled in the shower as all the blood was washed off of me. Shame to see it go, but it's unsanitary.

This hot water... It's crazy. It wasn't that long ago that I'd have to bathe in some musty stream to clean myself.

Once the blood had drained, I looked down at my naked body. Boy, look at all of those scars. Years of irate fighting and desperate survival.

My nails are chipped and uneven. My hair is tangled and messy. My skin is full of scars and blemishes.

...What an ugly creature I am.

With a sigh, I turned off the shower and went to go and dry myself off.

I saw another female operator out there who was getting undressed. I looked at her while water dripped down my body.

Cutter: "'Sup."

As expected, she ignored me. All I got was a look of mild annoyance.

With a slight smirk, I grabbed a towel and dried myself off.

You know, this is pretty similar to school, now that I think about it. A structured and ranked institution, and everyone in it absolutely hates me.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, as they say.

I got dressed and headed back to my room to go rest. What an eventful day it's been. If all goes well, that idiot Duke D'yse will attack us, either physically or verbally, and trash his reputation.

I'm sure Minerva is champing at the bit to get revenge right now, so the moment he fucks with us she's more than likely going to untie all of our leashes at once.

Man, I can't wait... Something about driving my rapier into a despot's body sounds really exciting.

Strange. I'm a bad person, yet I'm getting excited about killing another bad person?

No honor among thieves, I suppose.





I stared directly into my own eyes. Here I was, standing at the edge of eternity, faced by none other than myself.

My doppelganger raised her sword, and I raised mine. We both smiled at one another. Time to fight.

Man. My dreams sure are weird, aren't they? I wonder what this all means.

In an instant we were clashing steel against steel, viciously trying to take each other's life.

Occasionally, she'd shoot at me. And sometimes, I'd shoot at her. But we never hit each other.

We fought for what felt like an eternity, but eventually, I won. I watched as my other self fell to the ground with a smile.

She looked up at me like she wanted something. And boy, was I going to give her something.

I kicked my other self in the face, knocking her to the floor. I then drove my rapier right into her chest, making sure to avoid all of her vitals.

Yes, can't have you dying on me too soon, can we? There's plenty of fun left in store for us.

I ripped my rapier out of her chest and held it up against her neck with a smile. My name is Cutter for a reason, you know.

Cutting is what I do best.

To my immense disappointment, I was awoken by a rather large explosion.

I angrily sat up.

Cutter: "Who's going around blowing shit up!? My dream was just getting good, dammit!"

Cut From The Same FurWhere stories live. Discover now