~ Zoe, Codename: Cerulean ~

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Ah, good. I'm covered head-to-toe in bandages. Seems I got seriously messed up in that fight.

I pulled some of the bandages off of my face so I could see, and then sat up and looked down at myself.

Well, I don't feel too bad, all things considered. I don't really remember what happened, though. I was definitely fighting Dresden, and then I assume she took me down at some point. The fact that I'm even still alive suggests that we won in some capacity.

...Is everyone else still alive...?

With a sigh, I pressed the button on my bed to call for a doctor.

A medic promptly showed up. I'm pretty sure his codename is Quartz.

Quartz: "Good morning, Cerulean. I'm surprised you're up."

Cerulean: "What happened?"

Quartz: "Cutter said you were hit by a detonation of fire magic from Dresden. In terms of injuries, you were covered in burns and your neck was blown apart. It's a miracle you survived, honestly."

Cerulean: "Cutter's magic likely saved me, if I had to guess."

Cerulean: "...Speaking of Cutter, is she still alive?"

Quartz: "Although the injuries you all suffered are really something, no one died fighting against Dresden."

My eyes widened with shock.

Cerulean: "...No one? Not even Enervator...?"

Cerulean: "The blast he took was insane. I thought for sure that he would have died."

Quartz: "That's what all the others said, but he was almost entirely unharmed. The shockwave from the explosion seemed to have just knocked him unconscious, and not much else. He barely had any burns to treat, and they were all minor."

Cerulean: "...Huh. I guess the cloud of ice around him prevented him from taking too much damage."

Cerulean: "Where is Cutter right now?"

Quartz: "She was just discharged, actually. I heard she was going for a walk outside."

Cerulean: "Am I allowed to go out, or do I need to stay here?"

Quartz: "Let me check under your bandages and I'll see."

Quartz: "E-Er, actually, I'm pretty sure you're naked under there. Do you want me to go grab a female doctor?"

Cerulean: "...Doesn't matter either way to me."

Quartz: "Okay."

Quartz carefully unwrapped all of the bandages and inspected my burns, as well as the injury on my neck.

Quartz: "You're healing fast. You Elite Operators always surprise me with your tenacity."

Quartz: "I think you're fine to go out for a walk, but try to limit your movements. Don't run around."

Quartz: "For now, just keep the bandages on and come drop by the medical wing once a day for a checkup."

Cerulean: "Alright."

Quartz reapplied the bandages, and then let me go. I got dressed and headed outside of The Excalibur to search for Cutter.

While walking, I found it a little bit difficult to breathe properly, but I suppose I'm lucky that I can even breathe at all.

I thought about calling Cutter, but I ended up finding her on my own pretty quickly. She was sitting on a slab of rubble just outside the hangar bay, staring at a ruined building.

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