~ Zoe, Codename: Cerulean ~

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After eating breakfast in the morning, I decided to go see Enervator. I don't know much about him, but given that he helped us in the fight against Dresden, I wanted to at least go and make sure he was okay.

He's a good friend of Garm, too, so it'd make sense to get familiar with him ahead of time.

I have heard that he's apparently quite timid, but he didn't seem timid at all when he was fighting.

...Guess I'll get a better idea once I meet him.

Due to his runaway magic fault, he's usually kept on the hangar bay side of the magicology wing so that all the icy air he generates can easily be vented out and into the open air of the hangar bay.

Thankfully, I was pretty experienced with the magicology wing already, as the researchers there used to relentlessly study my spear.

At least until they gave up, that is.

It didn't take long for me to get to Enervator. Once I entered the room he was in, I saw him wearing some kind of advanced suit, probably to keep all the ice magic inside.

There was also a little Demi-Vulpine girl with black hair who immediately ran over to Enervator after I entered and hugged his leg.

I don't know if they're siblings or not, but they do look pretty similar and are clearly familiar with one another.

Enervator: "C'mon, I told you not to hold onto me like that. It's dangerous."

Little Girl: "...B-But.. there's something there..."

Enervator: "Not just a 'something'. That's Elite Operator Cerulean. You should show respect to her, she's a good person."

Little Girl: "..It's scary... I don't like it.."

...I'm not sure why she's referring to me as an 'it', but given that she's just a little girl, I'll let it slide.

Enervator: "Sorry, Cerulean. This is Fuan'Rei. She's... er..."

He smiled nervously.

Enervator: "...She has a number of problems bothering her."

Cerulean: "I see..."

I don't really know how to deal with kids, but I figure if I take it slow and gentle, then maybe she'll be okay with me...?

Cerulean: "I'm not going to hurt you, Fuan'Rei."

She yelped in fear and held her fox ears down with her hands.

Fuan'Rei: "I-It knows my name! It must want to form a pact!"

...A pact? What...?

Enervator: "I told you, Cerulean isn't a monster. She's an Operator, just like me. She's not going to hurt you."

Fuan'Rei: "T-They always say that they're not gonna hurt you, and then they do it anyway! They always do it! T-They always lie!!"

Enervator: "Have I ever hurt you?"

Fuan'Rei: "N-No..."

Enervator: "Do you think I'm going to?"

Fuan'Rei: "...No, but you're nice.."

Enervator: "And, as I said, Cerulean is a good person. She's also nice."

Fuan'Rei: "....."

Fuan'Rei looked at me for about thirty straight seconds while looking extremely anxious the entire time.

After that, she grabbed a slip of paper and held it out towards me.

Fuan'Rei: "T-Take this..."

I slowly approached her and took it from her.

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