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When Taehyung looks at himself, he feels as if he belongs in a mental Hospital. Bandages still wrapped from more events that happened last night on his upper arm and thigh. He relapsed again, even though he is okay at the moment, he feels like he doesn't deserve it, then his mind goes to other places. The only way he can cope with it is to just hurt himself. He hasn't told Jungkook as he didn't want to be a burden upon him.

Today he is excited to see Jungkook though. After he was done looking at himself in disgust, he sighed and went down stairs. He assumed Yoongi would still be in bed, so he just let him be and texted Jungkook.

Tae: Hey, do you want to hang out today?

Kook: I would love to! Where do you want to hang out?

It was snowing outside today, it was getting closer to December, so that means it is getting closer to Taehyungs Birthday, which is something he is not excited about. He doesn't even think he has told Jungkook yet.

Tae: Do you want to go have some fun in the snow?

Kook: Omg yes! I'll meet you outside my house?

Tae: Sure

Taehyung put his phone in his pocket and went to put on his big puffy coat and gloves. Heading towards the door shortly afterwards.


"Lets make snow angels!" the younger said as he threw himself on the ground, he began moving his legs and arms up and down or side ways. Taehyung giggled at his excitement about the snow and lay down beside him doing the same movements.

"I love the snow" Jungkook added,

"Yeah I'm not a fan of the heat, I like winter better" Taehyung replied turning his head to Jungkook. The raven head nodded, "Agreed"

As they sat in silence, Jungkook turned his head to Taehyung again. "Hyung..." He spoke "Did you relapse again?" Taehyung went silent. He didn't know what to say, Jungkook probably realised when he hugged him he sucked his teeth due to the pain of jungkooks arms wrapping around his own.


"Its okay, Tae. I know. But I don't want you to feel alone, you can always tell me if you are comfortable with it."

Better easy said than done. But Taehyung didn't want to be mean and just nodded his head, "Yeah"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jungkook said, and taehyung only looked up at the sky "doesn't it ruin you that you are friends with me, Jungkook?"

Jungkook made a confused face, "What do you mean, Hyung?"

"Just, I always make you disappointed or sad when I hurt myself, and that will just ruin you."

Jungkook stood up slowly and reached his hand out towards Taehyung. He grabbed Jungkooks hand and pulled himself up and Jungkook also pulled his body towards him grabbing his cold cheeks.

"You will never ruin me for telling me how you feel. I would rather know and you cry in my arms than have you go through it alone every night. You never make me disappointed. You never make me sad, I'm only sad over you when I know you aren't doing well and that's because I care about you."

You could see sparkles in Taehyungs eyes, he pulled Jungkook in for a hug and rested his head on his shoulder. He slightly smiled, knowing Jungkook will be there for him. He was grateful to have a best friend. And that made him sad. He doesn't know why. Maybe because he will never want it to disappear? Or maybe because something might drift them away? Maybe that something would be him telling Jungkook how he feels.

"Lets go to mine and have some hot chocolate" Jungkook speaks and Taehyung nods in reply.

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