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Still kissing, their hearts still beating out of their chest, face burning up, sweaty hands, and running thoughts. All because of just a kiss. But wouldn't that happen to everyone for a first kiss?

But I don't think it was just a 'kiss'. Jungkook and Taehyung have both been waiting for this moment, and it felt like pure bliss - a weight lifted off their shoulders. Taehyung was worrying through the kiss what would happen after. Would it be awkward? will Jungkook think he is a bad kisser? he has never kissed anyone before, let alone have a crush on someone, surprisingly. Jungkook was the only one that caught his eye.

slowly, they pulled away from each other. "I was waiting for that" Jungkook broke the silence and Taehyung nervously chuckled. "I didn't expect you to kiss me back." Jungkook added.

Taehyung jokingly rolled his eyes, "Well, I didn't expect you to kiss me first. Or at all to be honest"

"i've liked you for a while now" the younger confessed, "i thought this would be the right time to kiss you. It was my plan."

Taehyung looked at jungkook with a confused face, "so you don't actually have photography classes?"

"nope, these photos are to be framed. Except the last one, its for me and me only" Jungkook giggled, making taehyung do the same in reply

"is that why you wanted me to come over yesterday after school?" Taehyung paused and wondered. "...because, you wanted to...k-kiss me?" He stuttered

Jungkook smiled and nodded. "I honestly wasn't expecting you to say yes, but i also know you have been going through so much lately. I was so nervous to ask".

"it was the reason why i asked you to come. But i also wanted to spend time with you" Jungkook added

The two boys were in the bathroom and jungkook was cleaning Taehyungs wounds. As he was, he looked at the boys frame and saw that he was healthier than the last time he has seen him without a shirt. His ribs weren't as noticeable, his face was more full and pink, his arms weren't as thin anymore either.

He smiled at Taehyung as he finished dabbing the cloth gently on his arm and thighs. He slowly moved his head and kissed Taehyungs thighs gently around the scars, a sharp breath from Taehyung in result.

"sorry, I'm not use to this" he explained
"don't apologise, Tae. You better get use to it though" Jungkook replied and Taehyung blushed.

After a little while of silence, Jungkook stood up and lifting Taehyung bridal style to his room, while Taehyung wrapped his arms tightly around jungkooks neck. Jungkook sat him gently onto his bed and sat beside him. "You okay?" Taehyung asked jungkook, puzzled but he just nodded in reply and let himself fall into Taehyungs neck cuddling him.

Taehyung has never felt so happy.


A/N - Been a while! Hello! sorry this chapter is quite short :,)

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