Chapter 1

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Destined to the Hellhound: BEAST is a registered work and its copyright is enforceable by law. Do not translate BEAST. Do not plagiarize BEAST. Any attempt to exploit BEAST or any of my work(s) for profit is illegal and will result in immediate legal action. 

© Myranda Rae 2023. All Rights Reserved.


Taking a deep breath, I bend down, running the tips of my fingers through the water

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Taking a deep breath, I bend down, running the tips of my fingers through the water. Something is wrong. I can feel it in the air, in the water, in the earth. There is a thickness, something heavy, a murky shadow. I've never felt it before.

My wings twitch, it's as if they can sense it too.

It's dark, a sickness is spreading across the land. I feel it like an itch beneath my skin. Every sound, every ripple in the water, and every leaf gently falling to the ground startle me.

My muscles tense and flex, ridged with anticipation for whatever unknown evil is surely coming.

I came here to feel the peace of nature. I'm desperate to be alone with the turmoil boiling inside my brain. I'm too flustered to relax.

A warm breeze blows gently against my back. For a moment, it feels nice, moving softly over my skin and through my hair. It quickly turns sour when a smell so rancid that it turns my stomach wafts through the air.

Hovering above the ground, I cover my nose with my hands, seeking the source of the smell.

I've never smelled a dead thing. I don't know why the thought comes to mind, but it's the only thing that makes sense. This has to be the smell of something rotting.

My heart pounds as I search, but there is nothing here.

Just as quickly as the smell hit me, it's gone.

A twig snaps in the distance, and my whole body jerks. I've never been on edge like this. My pulse pounds in my ears as I frantically search the tree line for something, anything.

Moving up higher, I scan the horizon.

I'm being ridiculous. There isn't anything here. My overactive imagination is running away with me, that's all. Everything is fine.

Even as I think this, the anxiety nags at the base of my neck. Something is wrong.

Flying back toward Golden Valley, I know I'm late and likely in trouble. As I land on the small balcony off my room, I can hear Grace aggressively pounding on my door. Wonderful.

"Robin, unlock this fucking door! Now!" She hisses lowly.

When I pull the door open, her fist hangs in the air, ready to begin pounding again.

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