Chapter 32

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"I fucking hate this place," I groan, dragging my feet as we embark on hour number five of walking.

"Imagine living here for years," she huffs.

Each step feels harder than the last. We've encountered all manner of strange animals and creatures, each somehow worse than the last. At first glance, they seem like normal forest wildlife, deer, squirrels, rabbits, and even a fox.

They are not normal animals, though. They are demon mutations of normal animals with sharp teeth and hideous red eyes.

Even the planets are out to get us. Fruit that explodes and leaves that ooze venomous sap that burns the skin if touched.

I would never have made it this far without Kayasera. She has saved me from several creatures already, and I'm sure that there will be many more.

"We should stop here to rest. We're a few hours from the river. There are usually more animals near the water. We should eat and gather a bit of strength before we head that way."

Slumping down into the dirt, I close my eyes for a moment, giving in to the complete exhaustion I feel.

It's beautiful here. Each tree and leaf are so incredible, I can't even believe they exist. It's a gorgeous nightmare.

"Current situation aside, how is Cerberus?" She asks quietly.

Peeking my eye open, I start to say something snarky, but the guilt etched into her face softens my anger.

"We're building a life together. It took me a little while to come around but I think we're actually going to be happy. I just have to save him first."

"He's lucky to have you."

I feel lucky too.

"I care about him, I always have. I never wanted him to be hurt. I just..." She stops, shaking her head sadly. "I wanted to leave the Underworld so badly that I couldn't stop myself. It's like I saw a way out, and everything else faded away. I knew what I was doing; I just couldn't see how awful it was. It's like I was blinded by my own greed."

A tear slips down her cheek, but she quickly brushes it away.

I feel an unexplainable sympathy for her. I can see her shame and the weight that her actions have placed on her shoulders. I've felt trapped before, and I know that feeling well. I know that desperation.

"Here," she hands me a small bag with some very strange-looking fruit inside.

Hungry and tired, I don't question it, I just take a large bite. I immediately regret that decision. It tastes like raw onion, only worse. Pungent and bitter, my eyes water as I choke down the strong-tasting bite and try to hide my grimace.

"I didn't like it at first either." She laughs. "I guess I forgot after all this time that it was bad."

"What is it?"

"I don't know the actual name. It's the only edible thing down here that doesn't poison you, explode, or turn out to be a very angry little animal."

Forcing myself to take another bite, I try to hide the gag that pushes its way out.

"This is the only food you've had all this time?"

"Yeah," she shrugs, taking another bite.

Groaning, I make myself eat a few more bites. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to scrub this taste from my tongue.

Spreading open the map, she studies it for several minutes, moving her finger around to make a path.

"Well," she sighs. "There is a grove of toxic trees right here, they ooze, and if you touch them, they paralyze you, and you have horrible hallucinations that you can't run away from for several hours."

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