Chapter 10

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Quiet scurrying and a rhythmic clinking sound pull me from a restless sleep. Rubbing my eyes, I find myself staring at a wall. Strips of wallpaper hang down, tattered and ruined like the rest of the house.

A sharp ping catches my attention, and I sit up, turning to face the bedroom. Two of those creatures are in the room with me.

What odd little...things.

They are at least half my size and all skin and bones. One of them turns, noticing that I'm watching, and it taps two spoons together. The clinking sound. The other turns at the sound and notices me too. He also has spoons in his hands.

"H-Hello?" I smile nervously. I don't get the feeling they mean to harm me they're just creepy looking.

They both tap the spoons again, this time, hitting the handles together. Interesting.

One of them gestures toward the table. More folded clothes. And shoes.

"Can I have something to eat?" I slide toward the end of the bed. If I'm going to escape, I'll need food.

They nod and rush toward the door, clicking their spoons and gesturing for me to follow.

With them waiting in the hallway, I quickly slip on the clothes and shoes. Outside the door, they are clicking the spoons quickly, moving them into different positions in their hands to create different sounds.

Walking behind them, I have to hold back my laughter. They don't walk so much as scamper. They push and shove each other and excitedly click their spoons. They act like children.

I recognize the main staircase from the first night here, at the bottom of the stairs, they expertly maneuver through the piles of rubble. A fire blazes in the hearth of the dining room. The table must seat at least thirty people.

All the way at the end, in a throne like seat at the head of the table, he's casually eating.

"Joining me?" He raises his brow and takes a bit of something that smells amazing.

My stomach twists painfully as I look at the small spread before him. Eggs, bread, meat. I'm starving.

I chose the farthest seat from him that still has access to the food.

Like I've never been taught table manners a day in my life, I grab a piece of bread, placing several pieces of cheese and meat on it before shoving it into my mouth.

"Hungry?" He chuckles.

"You haven't fed me!" I glare with my mouth full.

"I have not withheld food from you. You are welcome to eat whenever you please."

"I-" I don't know what to say. It's true that he hasn't locked me up but how was I to know that I could just come eat?

The little creatures come with a glass and plate, setting them in front of me before scurrying away.

"What are they?" I whisper when they are far enough away that I don't think they will hear me.

"Imps." He takes several slow gulps from a very delicate-looking teacup.

"What are imps?" I look at my plate instead of his mouth and neck.

"They are imps," he points his fork at one of them, and it rushes away.

Sighing, I look up at him, annoyed. "Thank you for that. But what are they? Clearly not fairies, or-"

"Actually," he smiles, so I know I'm not going to like whatever he's going to say. "They kind of are fairies. Underworld fairies. They're known for pranks and mischief. These ones run my house."

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