Chapter 26

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Sex, shower, eat, repeat.

That has been our routine for four days. We barely leave the bed, and when we do, it's to find another room to defile. Every table, chair, and wall has been used as a prop in our insatiable need for each other.

I know the Seilenos are here, but I haven't even noticed them really. It's hard to notice anyone or anything when your face is buried in the mattress.

This morning, though, things are different. Instead of being woken up by Cerberus' tongue, I simply wake up. Sitting up in bed, I feel around for him in the dark. I'm alone.

My lips pout like a child. It's remarkable how quickly my body adjusted to this routine. Feeling irritable without my morning orgasms, I shower alone and stomp down the stairs to find him. This is all his fault. He's made me dependent on his cock. I need it in the morning like a person needs coffee.

At the bottom of the stairs, I stop. Well, there's a cock, there are three of them, in fact. Unfortunately, none of them are the one that I want.

"Good morning!" Maron calls.

In a shocking turn of events, I've actually learned to tell them apart by their cocks. What the fuck is happening in my life?


My eyes flick downward; it's leaning slightly left, "No thank you, Astraios."

"Where is Cerberus?"

"He is hauling in supplies."

"Supplies? For what?"

"The renovations, remember?"

Renovations? Then it hits me. He did mention something about fixing up the house. We were sitting at the dining table eating a few nights ago. I couldn't really focus on the conversation because he had his fingers between my legs. It must have slipped my mind.

"I think we can finish this room today," Maron says, looking around at the damage.

"Do you really think it's safe for you to swing a hammer? What if you miss?" I quirk my brow.

They throw their heads back and laugh, though I do see a momentary flash of fear in Leneus' eyes.

"Thank you for your concern, sweet thing. Our cocks can withstand a beating," Astraios winks.

My eyes roll into the back of my head, a mixture of annoyance over being called 'sweet thing' for the thousandth time and at their arrogance.

Wandering into the kitchen, I throw some bread into the toaster oven and start to cook eggs. Standing at the stove, a nervous feeling flutters under my skin. My wings twitch, and my toes tap against the cool tiles.

Something is wrong.

Soft smoke hits me, a sudden warmth surrounds me. I feel the instant calm of his presence, but it's still there. Suppressed to the back of my brain, left to wiggle and itch at the base of my skull. A nagging feeling. Impending doom. It's pushed back but not gone.

"I missed you this morning."

His arms wrap around my waist, and his firm chest is at my back. "I'll make it up to you. What are you making?"

"Eggs and toast, want some?"

"I did skip breakfast this morning," he hums, his hands wandering lower, slipping below the tie on his robe that I've stolen and claimed as my own.

"Cerberus," I pant, reaching up to tug at his hair. "Is everything alright? At the gate? Is there anything worrisome or odd?"

He spins me around, pulling the back of the robe down so that it slips off my shoulders, leaving me naked before him.

"There is nothing out of place. Are you feeling something?"

I'm pulled completely out of the moment. His cock pressed into my belly, no longer consuming my thoughts.


"Are you feeling something coming? Trust your intuition." He tips my chin back to look into my eyes.

I don't know how to trust my intuition. I was expecting him to tell me that nothing is wrong and to just ignore it. No one has ever cared about a feeling.

"I just feel like something bad is coming. Something is going to happen. I can't explain it and I have no context for why; I just feel it."

He nods, listening. "We will just have to stay vigilant. If I am called to the gate, we will go together."

I feel better already. It's a miracle what having someone actually listen to you can do for your nerves!

"Ok." I wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him.

The sound of hammering from the other room draws our attention.

"Do they know what they're doing?" I cringe.

"Yeah," he nods confidently. "Probably."

"It's not like it can get any worse, right?"

"That's the spirit," he chuckles.

"Look how domestic we are." I lean into him, pressing my cheek to his warm chest. "I'm cooking in the kitchen, making breakfast, we're making home repairs."

He hums, running his hands over my still naked back. "All that's left is to put my baby inside you."

"Hold your horses, buddy."

"I would like to have a baby in the next hundred years at least." He kisses my hair.

"Ok, fine. In the next hundred years."

A loud crash outside the door has us running out into the dining room.

"What the fuck?" I didn't hear the Gorgons arrive, yet here they are, spread eagle in our living room with the cock brothers between their legs.

"Now I understand why Hades kicked them out," he groans, taking me by the hand. "Let's start upstairs."

"We'll finish up down here," one of his sisters moans as we climb the stairs.

"Sure you will. You're all very productive, thank you."

Upstairs, we focus on the task at hand, clearing the rooms, one by one, of debris and rubble. Watching him lift large pieces of rock up onto his shoulder is making me warm and achy everywhere. Thick, hard muscles tensing under his skin, straining under the weight of the huge chunks.

A sheen of sweat shimmers on his skin, a single drip rolling down the side of his face before he wipes it away.

"I think it's time for a break." I'm already breathless.

A devious smile tugs at his lips as he chucks the rock out the window. "We've earned it."

This book is completed and available on my Patreon! You also get access to my library of over 30 adult romance books! 


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