Chapter 38

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We don't even make it to the door, and we've already taken to the air. We're like children playing, chasing each other up, dipping down, catching, and kissing so passionately it makes me shiver.

"Why didn't you tell me my grandfather was here the whole time?" I ask breathlessly.

"I didn't have a way to get him out. Ordinarily, the keeper of Tartarus requires a trade if he watches over something for you, like your wings or the key. He watched the wings as a favor, but I didn't have anything to trade for the key. I've also been a bit busy for the past quarter century."

"Did my dad know he was still alive?"


"Is he being sent to Tartarus?" I don't even know why I care, I just do.

"Yes, he will spend a very long time in the pits with Orenlea, the two get along so well, it should be a treat." He smiles before grabbing me again, making long strides through the air. "Look."

Following his gaze, I see a car, slowly driving past the River Styx toward the gate.

"Is that my family?"

He hums, pressing his face into my neck as I watch them. There is nothing to say that I will never see them again, but this feels like the final goodbye. They are driving away, back up to The Golden City, and I'm staying here, bound to the hellhound.

The thought excites me. All of the things we can do, the possibilities that the future holds, it feels endless. There isn't anything off limits to me now. Cerberus has laid the world at my feet.

A giggle bubbles up in my throat when i recall the argument we had where he told me how I would long to be beneath him. I scoffed at the time, but now, it makes me laugh at how right he was.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm just thinking about a conversation we had before."

"Yeah? What coversation?" His hand slides up, holding my neck softly.

"I don't like to admit when I'm wrong, but as it turns out, you were right about something."

A smile stretches across his face, and his grasp on my throat tightens slightly. Against my stomach, I can feel his cock, hard and long.

"Unless you want to put on another arieal show, we need to get back to the house, now." He growls, plunging down through the sky.

Leaning in, I press soft kisses to his neck while he navigates us home. All the aches and pains, all the exhaustion, it's forgotten. I just want him. Immediately.

When the frozen gray sky above our crumbling house comes into view, I can't hold myself back any longer.

Suctioning my lips to his neck, I suck his skin, leaving deep red and purple marks. Feeling his muscles tense and his cock twitch against my belly makes a pool form between my legs.

"Stop, or I'm going to fuck you right here." He rolls his hips up, digging himself into my stomach.

"Take me to the shower." We both need one, but really, I just want to see him wet and naked.

Dropping into one of the holes in the roof, he's got my shirt torn from my body before his feet hit the ground. Being in our home is like a breath of fresh air. We made it through to the other side, I saved him, and now we're here.

Without releasing my mouth, he carries me down the hallway and up the hidden stairs. By the time we reach the top, we're both naked. Our bodies are pressed together, as close as we possibly can be without him actually forcing himself into me, but it's not enough. I want all of him.

Destined to the Hellhound: BEASTWhere stories live. Discover now