Chapter 31

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For a moment, as my eyes flutter open, I forget where I am. That only lasts for a second, though. A sound, a barely audible sound cuts through the thick silence. As quietly as I can, I lean forward to peek out from behind the large leaves.

The deer that I thought was so cute last night is now sniffing the ground outside of my makeshift tent.


Scooting back, I look for a way out. My back is pressed against the long, thin branches, with no way to escape in that direction. I'm going to have to run for it.

As I set myself to run, the little demon takes a few small steps toward me, his nose tipped up. All of my muscles are locked up, frozen in fear, as his red eyes fly open and he looks directly at me.

Lurching forward, I attempt to run.

A whistle floats in the air as an arrow pierces the deer just before it can grab me. Hot blood splatters my face, and I'm immediately in agony. The blood burns as if acid were on it. Dropping down to the ground, I wipe my face against the moss that starts to wither and die where the blood touches it.

Jumping up, I search for the source of the arrow, but I don't see anyone. Part of me wonders if I should just run. Maybe whatever saved me from the deer has even worse plans for me.

As I turn, my face still on fire, a woman jumps down from a nearby tree. She looks... safe?

"What are you doing here?" She whispers angrily.

When I don't answer her, she takes an angry step forward and grabs my arm, spinning me around and pushing me forward. She's forcing me in the wrong direction.

"Get the fuck out of here!"

"I can't!" I dig my heels into the ground.

She keeps trying to pull me away while I fight against her. When I yank my hand away from her, she turns slightly toward me, enough for me to cock my arm back and punch her as hard as I can.

"What the fuck, you bitch!" She stumbles back, grabbing her bloody nose.

"Stop! I am not leaving this place! Thank you for saving me, but I'm not going anywhere." I stomp my foot into the ground.

Wiping her nose on the back of her hand, she glares at me. "Well, don't expect me to help you again! If you want to die in here, be my guest." She turns and takes several steps before stopping and throwing her hands in the air angrily. "Why are you here?" She stalks toward me with an accusing finger pointed at me.

"I'm here to get... someone." I think keeping my business close to the vest is probably smart.

"There is no one here! A few fairies were in here last week, but they all left, I made sure of it."

"They left someone here, in a cave. I'm going to get him."

Her eyes narrow as she silently takes me in.

"Who did they leave?"

"That's none of your business." My arms instinctively fold over my chest.

"You'll never make it to the cave. It's a full day's walk, then you have to cross the river, and then you have to deal with the flowers. You'll be eaten by something before the day is done."

"What are you doing in here?" I turn the tables on her.

"I'm cursed to remain here. I can't leave." She bites out angrily.

"How long have you been here?"

"A very long time. The days all run together, but it feels like centuries."

Destined to the Hellhound: BEASTWhere stories live. Discover now