Chapter 29

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Sliding down to the floor, I press my cheek flush to the ground and squint my eyes. The crack beneath the door reveals four feet. They are quietly whispering, but I can't hear them. No matter how hard I try, I can't make out what they're saying.

Sitting up, I creep across the floor to the balcony door.

The guard is still standing in the courtyard below.


Slipping into my bathroom, I splash cold water on my face and take a deep breath. I have to get out of here.

"Come on, Robin." I pep-talk myself in the mirror. "Think!" I pace the floor, my wings carrying me up to flit back and forth in the air.

What would Cerberus do here?

He would probably turn into the hellhound and rip everyone's heads off. That is kind of off the table for me. Looking around the bathroom, my toes tap nervously against the ground. I don't even know what I'm looking for—a miracle? Unfortunately, I never thought it would be a good idea to hide weapons in my room. After I attacked my father, it looks like they removed anything that could be used to cause harm anyway. I don't even have a comb here.

As I lean against the wall, my head rests against a plush towel hanging from a rack.

Pulling the towel down, I throw it behind me and grab the bar, hanging my weight on it until it starts to come loose. Wiggling the screws until the bar breaks free, I feel a rush of adrenaline.

Running into the closet, I pack a small backpack, and get dressed. I'm out of here.

Taking a long, slow breath, I pull my anger forward. They are standing between me and my mate. Whatever my father did to him, he doesn't deserve it, and I have to save him. I'm the only one who will.

Dropping to the floor again, I peek out. Their feet are toe-to-toe now. One of them is leaning against the opposite wall, with the other standing directly in front, slightly up on their toes.

Are they making out?

This is good, they're distracted, and my attack will catch them off guard.

It's now or never. Knocking on the door softly, I hear them shuffling around.

"Hello? Can I please get something to drink? I'm feeling very dizzy." I make my voice as soft and weak as I possibly can manage.

Their hushed voices go back and forth. I assume they have been instructed not to open the door for me. I think it's safe to assume that they aren't supposed to be making out either.

"Please," I whimper.

The clinking sound of keys makes my heart rate spike. Gripping the bar tightly in my hands, I channel Cerberus. No mercy, no holding back. I've got to find him.

When the door opens, I swing. The metal bar vibrates in my hand as it connects over and over again as I hit them until they fall to the ground, protecting their heads with their arms.

"I'm sorry about this," I grab the keys from where they fell on the floor and pull the door closed, locking it behind me.

"Holy shit, Robin! What are you doing?" Mykle rips Kat's bedroom door open. "Where is the guard!"

Rushing toward him with the bar raised above my head, ready to strike, he backs into the bedroom. Following him, I close the door.

"Take it easy!" He lifts his hands up and takes a step toward me.

"Relax," I say, lowering the towel rod. "I'm not going to hurt you; I just need to know where he is."

"Robin, you-"

"Where the fuck is he, Mykle? Tell me. You owe me this. You were going to marry me while you were sneaking around with my sister behind my back. Just tell me!" I growl. I'm running out of time and patience here. The guards will wake up any minute and alert everyone that I've escaped.

He sighs and drops his head back to look up at the ceiling.

"Just tell her what you know," Kat encourages him.

"There's nothing you can do for him now, Robin."

"He's not dead. I know he's alive. Just tell me where he is." I'm starting to feel desperate. If I have to get down on my knees and beg, I will.

"Hold on," he groans, moving toward the door.

Tensing, I step in front of the door, blocking him from walking out.

"I need to get a map," he narrows his eyes.

I don't trust him, but I have no choice but to let him go.

When we're alone, Kat slides out of her bed, walking nervously toward me. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go get him. He's still alive, and I'm not just going to sit around waiting. He would come and get me."

"How do you know he's alive?"

"I can feel it. I don't know how to explain it, I just know." My neck throbs as I say the words, a painful, thumping reminder of our bond.

"Do you love him?"

"I-" my voice falters. "I don't know. I like him. I feel free when I'm with him, which is insane if you knew the whole story, but..." His face flashes through my mind, and my heart constricts. "He's from the Underworld, but he's-" I scrub my hands over my face. No singular word comes to mind. He's so many things. "He's not bad or good. He's done things that I would have thought were bad before I knew him. But people that I thought were good have done some of the worst things..."

The door opens behind me, and I hold my breath, half expecting my father to storm in behind Mykle, but he doesn't. He enters alone with a large rolled-up paper under his arm.

He spreads it out on the bed, and my heart sinks. The Moving Forest.

"You cannot fly over it," he emphasises every word. "Don't attempt it."

"Ok," my voice shakes.

"You have to enter here. If you start anywhere else, you won't be able to follow the path." He points to an area. "Just inside, there is a stone archway, don't walk through it, walk to the left and follow the small path on the ground until it ends." He points to another place. "That's right about here. Then try to go straight until you reach a broken bridge. Cross it and walk until you find the cave, he's there, all the way at the back."

"Sounds easy enough," I cringe. It sounds like a death march.

"Don't touch anything," he warns. "I'm serious. Don't touch anything, and don't wake up the women."

"The women?" I start to ask him, but shouting from across the hall cuts me off. Grabbing the map, I run for the open balcony door.

"Be careful!" Kat calls as I jump into the wind, pushing myself hard to put distance between myself and the city. I will only have a few minutes before the guard on the ground and the injured guards in my room have everyone searching for me.

This book is completed and available on my Patreon! You also get access to my library of over 30 adult romance books!


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