0.2. '𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦'

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AURELIE WOKE WITH A PEP IN HER STEP, her brother already downstairs making breakfast for everyone.

The girl was excited to show her older sister around the school, and introduce her to the few friends she had.

As the girl stepped down the stairs, she saw Andy and Bella sitting at the table waiting for her, grimaces on both their faces.

It didn't take a smart person to tell the two had still yet to work their differences, and Aurelie knew the wouldn't be getting over them anytime soon, so she settled on being the mediator between the two.

"Hello siblings, how did you sleep last night?" The girl asked, faking a British accent while grabbing the plate her brother prepared for her.

"I slept okay, still adjusting to the place." Bella nodded, smiling as her sister sat next to her, across from Andy whose expression darkened when his sister didn't sit next to him.

But he was snapped out of his thoughts when the young girl kicked his leg lightly, sending him a small smile to which he returned with a goofy smile of his own.

"I think I would have slept well, had my annoying little sister not kicked me off the bed in the middle of the night." Andy complained while Charlie walked in the room to see all his kids sitting at the table, small smiles on their faces.

"Oh, hey dad." Andy and Aurelie chorused as Bella and Charlie shared looks with each other, both creeped out at the siblings speaking at the same time.

"You've gotta stop doing that to your old man, gonna give me a heart attack one day." The siblings rolled their eyes as Aurelie pushed her food around with her fork.

"Alright, Bells, you take Aurelie and yourself to school, Andy, you and I have work to get to." The three siblings nodded and grabbed their stuff to get ready.

The day prior, Charlie had told Bella the red pickup in the driveway was her homecoming present, and also tasked the older sister with teaching her younger to drive, although Aurelie had no problem with using her family as her personal chauffeur.

Bella slowly pulled up to the school, nervous of all the eyes on the truck, well, nervous in general.

"Don't worry, everyone here is pretty nice. You'll have no problem fitting in." Aurelie smiled at her sister, sensing the girls nervousness.

"Yeah..you're right." The girl nodded, smiling at her sister before parking the car.

As the sisters got their bags from the car and walked in the school, they were stopped by Eric who was quickly snapped a photo of the two girls.

"That's definitely going in the newspaper." The boy smiles at the girls. "Hey, you're the new girl, Isabella, right?"

"Uh, just Bella." The girl nods.

"And here we have our beautiful Aurelie." Eric smirks, flinging his arm over the girls shoulder while she rolled her eyes and playfully shoved the boy off.

"In your dreams, Yorkie."

"How'd you know you infiltrated my dreams?" The boy gasps playfully, putting a hand on his chest.

Eric smirked at Aurelie before turning back to Bella, "I'm Eric, Eric Yorkie, as you just heard your sister say. I'm the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" The boy smiled, shamelessly flirting with Bella.

"Uh, I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type." Bella shut the boy down awkwardly as he turned to the youngest Swan with a confused look on his face.

"Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page." Eric basically thanked the girl.

"No, I'm not." Bella spoke worriedly, "please don't have any sort of.."

Eric cut the girls small rant off, "Wow, wow. Chillax, no feature. Got it."

After showing Bella around the school a bit, making sure her sister knew where all of her classes were, she left the girl at the entrance of the gym.

"And after this, you have lunch, I'll meet you in there and save you a seat." Aurelie smiled at her sister, leaving before Bella could ask anything else.

Not intentionally, well, sort of.

Her teacher told her she had to stop being late to his class or he would personally assign the girl a tutor, seeing as how she was failing his class miserably.

"Sir, I know what you're thinking, but I have a very good reason of being late today." Aurelie attempted to speak but was cut off by the man who held his finger up to silence her. "But, sir."

"Nope, this is what I get for trusting teenagers, giving them the ultimatum."

"Sir, my sister is new here today, I was showing her around and making sure she knew where her classes were."

"Well, you should have come earlier to show her, and made sure you could make it to your own classes."

The girl sighed, feeling her anger rising, boiling inside her life a fire ready to burst.

Aurelie and her family had known from a young age that she very bad anger issues.

Hour long tantrums turned into week long silent treatment. Which then turned into her taking actions into her own hands, and the results never benefiting anyone.

Luckily for her, there had been a specific pair of golden eyes on her the moment she had walked into the classroom.

Before the girl could make any rash decisions her anger subsided into a calm, collected feeling.

It confused the young girl, wondering how she could just switch her emotions that quickly.

"Maybe I do need to get checked for bipolar disorder too." The girl mumbled to herself, but was caught by the teacher.

"What did you just say, young lady?" The man asked, assuming it was something unkind towards him.

"Hm, oh, just talking to myself." The teacher nodded, not buying it, but he decided he couldn't hold the class up any longer.

"Go take a seat next to Mr. Hale, he will be your tutor from now on."

Aurelie turned around and walked to where the teacher told her to, not without mumbling a few incoherent insults to the teacher when she was out of earshot from him.

The blonde, golden eyed male she was assigned to chuckled lowly, hearing every word that fell from the girls lips.

Never had he been so..entranced by a human. Since the male was new to his diet, he would have a hard time being around humans, but as the young Swan walked closer, he couldn't help but feel a little more excited. He knew damn well if his heart could beat, it would be thumping so loud, everyone in the class would be able to hear it.

And all because of a young girl with anger issues.

"Hi, I'm Aurelie." The girl smiled softly at the platinum blonde headed boy.

Screw it, his heart melted. He just knew it.

"Jasper Hale, ma'am."

"I like your accent, Mr. Hale, very southern of you."

"I like your tardiness, Ms. Swan, very rebellious of you." Jasper smirked at the girl who stifled her laugh.

And god, did he wish she didn't. Oh, what he would give to hear his own personal sound of heaven.

He knew exactly what this was, he knew why he felt this way, so drawn to a human.

It's the same thing he's been waiting for since the moment he was turned, the only thing that kept him going throughout his lonely miserable long life, he found his other half.

His soulmate.

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