0.6. '𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶'

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IT HAD OFFICIALLY BEEN A MONTH AND 18 DAYS, not like Jasper was keeping count.

A month since he had found his soulmate.

An agonizing month, as Jasper would put it. A month if not being able to let go of control and kiss the girl.

A month of watching the girl from afar, not being able to grab her hand, kiss her cheek.

A month of Jasper's world actually being brighter, happiness once being a foreign feeling, now being something that sparked in his soul whenever the girl was around.

Even just seeing her from afar would cause that spark.

"Hello, Jas." Aurelie smiled, waving her hand in front of the boys face, dragging out the 'o' in her hello. Seeing as the boy had zoned out while the two were talking.

"Sorry Darling, what did you say?"

"Nothing, just asking if you'd noticed anything weird going on with my sister and your brother."

"Love, I have 2 of them, you'll have to be a little more specific." Jasper smirked, noticing the red hue he'd grown so fond of seeing brush the girls cheek.

"Well, we both know Emmett wouldn't want anything to do with Bella, not when he has Rose." Aurelie laughed, and no matter how many times he heard it, he still couldn't believe how a simple sound made him feel as if he was on top of the world.

Jasper just nodded before answering, "I suppose they have been getting quite close."

"It's a little creepy if you ask me, how Bella barely knows him, but is like, obsessed with him." Aurelie sighs, "god, and the sneaking in."

Jasper raises a brow at the girl, "he sneaks in?"

"Well, I mean obviously. He thinks he's stealthy but we have thin walls, and I know Bells is a little 'cuckoo' but, I don't think she'd have conversations with a make believe Edward at night."

Jasper smirks as the girl frowns, "actually, maybe she would."

"You do know we're supposed to be studying here, right Darling?"

The two had been sitting in the nearly empty school library for at least and hour and 15 minutes, their homework conversation trailing off into Jasper asking the girl about simple things, such as, her favorite food, her hobbies, what her dream date would be.

And to each answer, he had made mental notes, planning on turning the girls dream date into a reality, and hopefully making it the best date ever.

Aurelie nodded, turning back to the open assignment Jasper had given her, "I was just hoping to get you off track long enough for you to leave it alone."

Jasper smiled, a soft smile, one he had reserved specifically for the girl.

"No can do, sorry Darling." Jasper brushed the girls hair behind her ear gently, his fingers lingering on her face.

Neither of them missing the electric shock the gesture sent the both of them.

The two had decided to end the session early, seeing as Aurelie was likely to die of boredom than ever getting her assignment done.

"So, uh," Jasper stutters, 'why is this so hard?' The thought repeats in his mind.

Before the blonde could get the words out, Mike comes rushing up to her, "hey, Ellie, I have a question on the science homework, would you mind, you know, helping?"

Aurelie scoffed as she smiled at the boy, "it'll cost you."

"I can do that." Mike smiled softly at the girl before grabbing her hand to drag her away.

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