0.12. '𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘵'

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"HOW ARE YOU DOING IN HERE SWEETPEA?" Charlie asked the girl lying stiffly in her bed.

Andy had taken it upon himself to move to the couch and let the girl have the room until she recovers, in hopes of giving her the space and time she needed.

"'M, fine. Just like the last time you all asked." Aurelie didn't mean to come off as rude, but she was tired of being treated like she was a piece of glass.

Shit happens, shit happened.

Aurelie didn't want to let it define her any way, but that's all her family had been doing. Of course, she couldn't be upset with them, their just caring for her, but she didn't want to be known as the towns girl who got taken advantage of.

Lucky for her, without her knowledge, Alice, Jasper and Rosalie had already handled all of that, the three borderline threatening the town not to say a peep about what happened.

Of course, Carlisle and Esme went after them and compelled half the town into forgetting about it.

"Just checking in Sweetpea." Charlie sighed, leaning on the door frame.

"Can I go out?" Aurelie questioned her father who froze, standing stiffly before he shoved his hands in the pockets on his pants, a habit he's been doing more recently now.

"Els..you know what, take Bella with you." Charlie decided as Aurelie sighed once more.


"You want me to just drop you off at the Cullens?" Bella asked her sister softly, she couldn't help but feel guilty towards her little sister. "I need to speak to Edward anyways."

"Yeah, that'll be fine." Aurelie spoke with no tone in her voice, and Bella hated it, before the girl always used to exaggerate her words, or go over the top with her expressions, now they couldn't even get a smile out of the girl.

"I'm really sorry, Ellie."

"It's whatever, what happened, happened." Aurelie groans, turning to her sister whose eyes were trained on the road in front of her, not wanting to glance at her sister and accidentally catch her eyes, "can we just leave it in the past? It happened in the past, it's old news."

Carlisle had already told Charlie and Andy that may be her coping mechanism, not wanting to acknowledge it happened, it happens in most cases when victims have something traumatic happen to them and they just want to move past it.

Aurelie had hopped out of the car before Bella could reply or completely stop the car in front of the Cullen's residence.

The Cullens and Swan's had all noticed how Rosalie had became the one the young Swan would go to see the most.

And even thought it physically hurt Jasper, he managed to keep his distance from the girl, feeling content with longing glances or secret eye contact, even if just for a split second. He also wanted the girl to feel comfortable with him and not rush it.

"Els!" Rose smiled as she descended the steps of the house, her arms open wide for the girl who ran into the women's arms.

"Hi Rose." Aurelie smiled softly, everyone had also noticed how the girl only smiled around Rose.

"Come on, let's go to my room." Rose smiled, dragging the girl up to her room.

The blonde had taken it upon herself to also kick Emmett out while Aurelie was over, the brunette actually not minding the human teddy bear, but he didn't mind. He also wanted the girl to feel comfortable.

"Rose..I think I'm ready to..well move on." Rose paused as she was shutting her door, the whole house froze, all of the Cullens having heard the girls sentence.

"Are you sure? I mean.."

Rose was cut off by Aurelie sighing, "it's been almost a month now, it kind of affects you guys more than it does me."

"Els, it's only been a month. That shit..shit like that. It'll change a person." Rose told the young girl softly. "You're just about to be 17, it's okay to not be okay."

And then she finally snapped, it's what everyone was waiting for. In her defense, they'd all been pushing her to it to.

"Jesus, Rose! I'm over it, everyone else should be too. But no, you're all just waiting for me to break. What? Because it's supposed to matter so much to me?" Rose opened her mouth but was cut off by Aurelie continuing, "what happened sucks, yeah it does. But I'm so tired of not having control over my fucking life."

Jasper's bottom lip found it in between his teeth, lost in his own thoughts. He knew the girl was struggling, but she did pretty damn well at hiding her emotions from him.

Him, a literal walking emotion detector, couldn't even tell what his soulmate was feeling. Yet somehow, he only managed to figure out how she was feeling if they were close. And Jasper hadn't been around the girl too often since the incident.

"I'm fucking tired Rose.." the girl whimpered softly, collapsing on Rosalie's bed as the blonde held her friend.

"I know darling, I know." Rosalie whispered softly as she stroked the girls hair. "We just want you to be okay. We care so, so much about you. We hate to see you like this."

"I know..I just don't want to feel like a basket case anymore. I can't have people keep treating me like I'm 2 seconds from breaking when I'm just trying to go on with life." Aurelie told the girl. "I can't put my life on pause for what those assholes did. I won't. I won't give them that satisfaction."

Rosalie felt her heart skip a beat, something all the Cullen's agreed to feeling when the girl came around. A heartbeat.

Sure, it was faint, but it was no foreign feeling to the cold ones.

"You're so very strong, Ellie. So fucking strong." Rosalie kissed the girls head softly.

Meanwhile the rest of the Cullens felt their stress ease away, finally understanding the girl was truly the strongest mortal they'd met.

And Aurelie Swan refused to be made into anything that she didn't agree to.


..I'm back :) and I'm not dead hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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