⭒ Them Crying And You Comforting Them ⭒

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✧*:・゚dating *:・゚✧ *

✧ Draco Malfoy ✧

he was crying because his father was giving him a hard time. you entered his room and found him in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, shaking. "draco?" he immediately started to wipe his face with his hands, pretending that nothing happened. "what's wrong?" he shook his head, "nothing", you knew he won't tell you anything until he wanted to, so you gave him a hug and didn't pressure him further. he hugged you back and stayed like that for a while, then you both went back to his room. you stayed quiet as you held his hand. when he calmed down he shared why he was crying and you comforted him. "you know you're the best thing that has ever happened to me", he said and kissed your forehead. 

✧ Blaise Zabini ✧

blaise didn't show his emotions often, so when you saw him crying in his room, you were really worried. "what's going on?" he didn't want you to see him like that, but he was glad you were there for him. "can you give me a few minutes?" you nodded, "of course. do you want me to leave?" you could see a flash of panic in his eyes, "no, please stay" and you did. you waited patiently until he was ready to talk. you listened to him and then you fell asleep next to him, him holding you tight in his arms. 

✧ Mattheo Riddle ✧

he did not cry often, but you knew he was very emotional, even if he didn't show it. he was crying in his room when you entered, head in his hands. you rushed to him and took his hands in yours. "hey, baby, what's wrong?" he managed to smile a little, despite being sad. "it's okay, my love, it's not important" you furrowed your brows, "of course it is, talk to me" you listened to his problems and then ended up talking all night.

✧ Theodore Nott ✧

you found him crying in the dorm room after midnight, his eyes red. you sat next to him "you okay, baby?" he wiped his eyes. "not really, no" "what happened?" he took his time answering, trying to collect himself. he explained what was bothering him and then he took you in his lap. "I love you so much" he kissed the top of your head. 

✧ Lorenzo Berkshire ✧

you entered his room and you saw him in his bed, crying. "what happened, baby?" he did not waste a second sharing his problems. you listened to him and constantly comforted him "it's okay, it will pass" after that you wanted to distract him, "wanna watch a movie and eat chocolate frogs?" he agreed so fast and you fell asleep as you watched the movie, cuddling.

✧ Tom Riddle ✧

I'm so sorry but I could not imagine this man crying. Promise I'll make up for him some other time. 


This specific scenario was suggested by @KatherineOblack <3

Also I'm definitely enjoying kinktober this year, and if you are interested I can work on some spicy scenarios. Lmk 

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