⭒ Random Headcanons Pt.3 ⭒

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✧ Blaise Zabini ✧

- can stay up all night and still look fresh the next day

- likes about five people in total

- has the most intimidating rbf

✧ Draco Malfoy ✧

- calls his mom at any minor inconvenience

- gets ready to white girl music

- cried that one time when someone asked him if he died his hair

✧ Mattheo Riddle ✧

- flirts with teachers

- curses so much unintentionally that it sounds weird if he doesn't

- slaps his friends' ass

✧ Theodore Nott ✧

- complains about being tired but doesn't sleep

- shows draco drarry fanfics (draco is traumatized)

- shakes his leg all the time subconsciously

✧ Lorenzo Berkshire ✧

- will apologize even if it's not his fault

- picky eater, eats a total of five things

- talks to every animal he sees

✧ Tom Riddle ✧

- so unbothered by drama, but if it interests him he gets so nosy

- secretly scared of geese

- makes sad playlists

✧ Regulus Black ✧

- says kms about a hundred times a day

- hates running with a passion

- zones out all the time


Y'all seem to love these and they are probably my favourite to write as well, so I decided to write more :)

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