chapter 4

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No, no! I don't want it!" Jungkook ran past the swimming pool, his mother chasing after him, holding an inhaler and a small bottle of medicine.

"But bubba, you need this... you've caught a cold. Please take the medicine and keep the inhaler with you," Mrs. Jeon panted, struggling to keep up with her son, who looked like a bunny on the run.

"I'll take the inhaler, but not the medicine! It's bitter," he grimaced, scrunching his face in distaste.

"Baby, please listen. If you take the medicine, I'll take you to the park," she coaxed, hoping to reason with him.

Jungkook stopped in his tracks, his wide doe eyes filled with curiosity. "Really?" he asked, as if doubting her promise. It had been months since he last left the mansion, perhaps six months since their trip to Singapore.

But even then, he had only seen the hotel and the world beyond the tinted glass of their expensive car.

"Really," she assured him. "Now take the medicine, and I'll definitely take you to the park."

"Okay," Jungkook agreed reluctantly, grabbing the glass of water. He cleverly took a mouthful of water first, then popped the tablet in, so he wouldn't taste the bitterness.

The tablet wasn't that large, but in his mind, it seemed enormous, and he was determined not to let it get stuck in his throat.

"Good boy," Mrs. Jeon praised, slipping the inhaler into the pocket of his baby-blue pajamas. Jungkook wiped his mouth, nodding obediently, though his mischievous nature often betrayed him.

"Let's go!" he chirped, bouncing on his toes excitedly.

"Go? Where?" she asked, bemused.

"What do you mean, where? You said you'd take me to the park if I took the medicine!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

"Jungkook, it's midnight," she sighed. "No parks are open right now."

"Why not? I should be able to go whenever I want! Why do they close?" he asked, innocently oblivious.

"It's sleeping time, bubba. The gates close around 11. We can't go now," she explained patiently.

"You lied to me!" Tears welled up in his large doe eyes.

"No, I didn't lie. I'll take you tomorrow, I promise," she said, but it wasn't enough for Jungkook. He plopped down on the floor, rubbing his tear-filled eyes, his legs sprawled out, looking like a child who didn't get his favorite toy.

Mrs. Jeon sighed. Once Jungkook got like this, it was nearly impossible to calm him down. She had promised, and now she had to deliver-whether it was day or night didn't matter.

"ZAFAR!" she called out, summoning her personal secretary. He responds half-awake.

"Yes, ma'am"

"Kook, stop crying. Get up, I'll take you to the park," she bent down, lifting him to his feet. Almost instantly, his tears vanished, replaced by a wide, bunny-like smile as he bounced excitedly on his toes.

Within moments, Zafar came running, still groggy but used to Jungkook's late-night demands, be it for ice cream at 2 AM, impromptu Disney concerts, or early morning requests to meet fictional characters like Doraemon or Mickey Mouse. Zafar had seen it all.

"You called, ma'am?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes. Get the car ready. We're taking Jungkook to the park," she said, already moving to get her son dressed for the outing.

"Yes, ma'am," Zafar replied with a resigned sigh as he went to alert the driver.

In no time, Jungkook was dressed in a fluffy sky-blue sweater and white pants, clutching his bunny plushie. He meticulously styled the plushie's invisible hair.

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