chapter 13

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Morning arrived with its not-so-pleasant smell and harsh shine. Jungkook wanted to sleep longer—this was the first time he had spent a full day and night without his mother. It wasn’t like they slept in the same room, but whenever they stayed outside their house, his mother would always sleep beside him.

He missed her dearly. Last night, he cried enough to fill half the rivers. But the thought of finally meeting his father again was like a tissue wiping away his tears. After so many years, he was going to see his father.

Father—the word he wasn’t all that familiar with. He had asked his mother about him a few times, but when her eyes filled with helpless tears, he stopped asking. Slowly, the word "father" faded from his mind, but the sting in his heart never left.

He and his mother used to spend so much time together, but as time went on, she became drowned in work. And then, he was left missing both of them all over again.

From childhood, when he began to understand the world, there was always a hollow emptiness in his heart, a yearning for his parents' time and love.

Now, as he thought about meeting his father in just a few days, he felt giddy and sad—angry too. Every emotion he had bottled up inside for years was mixing together, so much so that he couldn’t even name them anymore.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked around the room after waking up. Suddenly, he remembered the trip with "Mr. Criminal" to kidnap his bun-bun. He giggled at the thought, excited for the adventure that awaited him. It was going to be thrilling.

Taehyung was talking with Jimin as the others prepared for the trip to Seoul with the help of Yoongi’s man. He was instructing the guards around the house to stay alert and keep an eye on Jungkook. But he was interrupted by a loud, high-pitched squeal calling his name.

Mr criminal

Mr criminal

Mr criminal

I'm here!  I'M HERE"

Jungkook came huffing and puffing, bent over with his hands on his knees in front of Taehyung, Jimin, and RM. Jimin and RM couldn’t help but chuckle at Jungkook’s dramatic entrance. Even in a jumpsuit, he looked undeniably cute.

“What?” Taehyung asked, confused by the sight of the boy who seemed to have run a marathon

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“What?” Taehyung asked, confused by the sight of the boy who seemed to have run a marathon.

“What do you mean, ‘what’? You’re already here, so why didn’t you call me? Now we’re late for kidnapping Bun Bun!” Jungkook said breathlessly.

“You mean fetching your plushie? And what do you mean by we?” Taehyung asked, raising an eyebrow. Jungkook looked at him with pure disbelief.

"Swear to my stars, Mr. Criminal, if your meanie criminal mind is thinking about ditching our kidnapping journey, then you better watch what I do,"

Jungkook huffed, placing his hand on his hip. You could almost see the steam coming from his ears.

Mama I am in love With a criminal (TK)Where stories live. Discover now